Wood Nymph - Splinterlands Art Contest

Hey Splinterlands fans and everyone else!

Hello again after a few days! I've been working on a plane project these days and that took up quite some time. I worked on this drawing whenever there was electricity and on the plane when there wasn't, so it was a bit of a slow progress. Just finished it up for the Splinterlands Art Contest. Well, not just a few hours ago actually. This time, I picked a character I've done in the past on a few occasions.


I've been working with Corel and Ps, and this time around, I've experimented with more than one brush, something I hadn't done in a while. It was good to try it out. I added some texture, but I also softened things up in some places.

COMMON Earth Unit

Her Lore:

A peculiar new bud appeared at the tips of the highest branches of the Elder Tree. The animals living in the tree watched as the strange buds grew, and in a matter of days, burst open. From each bud zoomed forth a tiny sprite. These Wood Nymphs quickly scattered around Anumun in a frenzy of mischief.



I sketched out the basic pose hmmm not too precise but then I went on to add more details. It may not have been super precise, but I had a sense of where I was going with it, I think. Sometimes it's good to work from even simpler shapes, yes! it serves as a good exercise.


As I went along, I added more details to give the body better shape and define the position. I always have mixed feelings with green skins, but I keep doing them. Each time, I learn a few more things.




Time to deal with the background since I hadn't touched that yet. Previously, there were just a few brushstrokes, nothing specific. Soooo it's time to get something going hmmmm at least the basic shapes of what I had in mind.


After tweaking the background a bit more and fixing up some details there, I also worked a bit more on the girl since I had outlined where the clothes would go. This was my initial attempt at the hair.




Made a few changes, started with the hair then adjusted the head position. Also smoothed out the skin a bit more to tone down the texture from the brush. Added a touch of mist behind the girl too.


Adding a bit more detail to the background, threw in some green, scattered leaves of different sizes. Also, did a bit more on the face. Between this step and the final one, there's another where I tweaked the hair, but I didn't save that one.





After being pleased with the hair, I could finally dive into the rest. Added some shadows, threw in the roses in the hair, and played around with lighting. Tossed in a few more little details, and there you go, this drawing was good to go!

Thank you very much for taking the time to view my work.





𝕺𝖍𝖍𝖍 BTW


𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖊𝖎𝖋 𝖚 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙


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