Ulog# ? Playing catch up - But moving forward- My thoughts and Recombination

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Today is Thursday 2 Aug and I don't know where the week has gone. One reason is that I have been a little off is that I have been a little sick. I am feeling better but it has effected my posts and comments over the last couple days. We all have things that pop up here and there. Life if nothing else is a challenge.

I have been listening to some news the past couple of days. I have been noticing how every issue is twisted to a specific agenda. I am not going to get into the individual topics. What I am going to say is that propaganda is running rampage. The reason for this is that the bias that people have is ejected into their decision making process. If your discussions are being made with misinformation how could your decisions be correct?

@curie has never given me a vote. Does that make them bad or not supporting the platform. How about Whales, Orca or Dolphins. If they have not given you a vote are they all bad and not supporting the platform. Yet how many times have you heard the statement that, whales don't support Steemit. When you make statements like this you should ask yourself what am I basing my comment on.

I have been preaching over the last couple of months on the importance of growing ones account. Not only for redfish but at every level. Redfish have more of an opportunity now then when I started. The opportunity with contests and leagues are all around us. Not to mention the discord channels that do support their members. All of these opportunities help with engagement and a little SP. It is all up to you to take advantage of them. I will list a couple of them here.

@paulag has a redfish-power-up-league-and-wall-of-fame-week

@abh12345 has a Curation and Engagement

@pifc has a curation contest

I am involved in all three above (disclosier)

@kaliju has a Freewriting Fridays Frenzy challange

@derangedvisions photo contest

@f3nix Finish the Story contest

You can find all of these contest plus more at the PIFC Discord

Another good discord that has my recommendation is ASAPERS

I hope that you use some of these items listed above to in crease you account and visibility on steemit. After all this is a social platform. Networking is the single most important thing to do here on Steemit. In the beginning it is a challenge but not one that is to difficult to overcome with a little effort.
I would like everyone to increase to the next level. The result to the platform would take it to the next level. No other social media platform gives its members the opportunity to secure their future as steemit.

Minnow III

working to Minnow II

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