Personal Story With A Soundtrack - And now for Something Completely Different

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Yes, it`s not you.
It is actually Sunday and I am not writing a Spread The Vibes post.

WhyWhy Not?

Because all of a sudden everything is different and that made me think. Yes, it made me think of songs so it´s kinda a spread the vibes post but I will be willingly breaking so many rules that I will not post it under the #STV flag.

What Happened?

Well as everyone is getting into the Halloween groove already, I can tell you something very scary happened. I left my beloved apartment and not to go for tapas or groceries I am actually gone for a couple of days.

That in itself is a scary thing, but the horror is still to unfold.

I did not go too far just down south to the Costa Granada and the lovely town of Almuñécar. I am not a big fan of Spanish beaches especially not during the summertime. I leave to the Brits, Germans, and other sun-seeking idiots. But now that the weather is gradually becoming a lot friendlier it´s a great time to hit the beach.

Or at least watch the beach and stare over the sea. Of course right when I arrive we get stormy just like Trump, I have a love-hate relationship with Stormy. I love the changing weather and finally being at the receiving end of some rain but....

Sleeping in a new place, a new bed is already quite a change for me and well those first nights somewhere else are never as sweet as your own bed....but it truly got worse when Stormy showed her unfriendly face.

She came at a very ungodly hour; first, she slammed one door close so freaking hard that I was all shook-up.

Thanks, Stormy there was absolutely no need for that I thought you and me were friends.

Still, that was not the end of it, as Stormy had only just begun.

Soon she found an even better toy, this one:


See that window, see how those love palm leaves are creating that awesome holiday feel....until Stormy arrives.

Stormy has been playing with those leaves since 6:00 AM and the sleep deprivation it caused me was just collateral damage to her early morning escapades.

Where The Fluff is This Story Going?

So right now I am on my third coffee already, not in the best of moods, and in a really horrific situation.

But I did see an awesome sunrise:


Did I build up that tension enough by now to start spilling the scarry beans?

Let´s try it, I am here in a lovely holiday home together with my trusted dog, my sweet gf, and my parents: Bet you didn´t see that coming.

Did you, did you get how scary that is? I mean just imagine moving in with your parents again????

How Did I Miss That?

At first, I did not realize this, I was like okay.....and then my future doomed up on me.... all of a sudden the mist that previously surrounded the fluffed-up holiday idea broke and reality stared me right in the face.

The last time I stayed in the same house as my parents for more than 48 hours seems like ancient history. And I remember another time they stayed with me which truly wasn´t the best experience for both parties.

What had I agreed to?

Was there any way to undo this?

Not really, as I only figured this out two days before they would come over. Still, that meant I had about 10 days to think of something because I was only supposed to visit in week 2.

But how could I? My mom already had given us several hints that she was sooooo looking forward to it.


Now I am trapped.

Bound by my own promise and guess what day it is: Friday The 13th with Halloween just around the corner and my parents are about to pick us up. Life hasn´t been this scary since I got out of lock-up.

The First 24 Hours

24 hours passed! Except for Stormy, there have been no urges to kill someone. My lack of sleep hopefully will not make me the moodiest of people in this temporary household but so far it has not been all that bad.

It actually has been quite fun that first day, not too much pressure no awkward...not too akwardish...conversations. And Stormy left the building.


With or Without Stormy


Hence so far so good I survived Friday the 13th, I do not have to work for another week so maybe just maybe we do grow up. Maybe there is some point where parents and kids are both old enough to properly get along....I said maybe!

Let's see if this thing escalates I promise to write another post. If not, if it remains silent it means everybody got killed, or I killed everybody and got locked up again....a very fitting Halloween scenario; maybe it´s worth considering.

48 Hours later. Parents are still alive, but I almost killed the dog.

Not sure what his problem was, but at my place he sleeps in the kitchen...never an issue. Now when I finally could hit my pillow after an exhausting parent-filled day Señor Dog started whining???

Just like the owners of those dogs that all of a sudden bite a kid in the face I was like...."Ehh He never did this before?"

So I took him out, thinking that might do the trick...but nooo. I wasn´t back in bed or the whining started again. And the thing is....these stairs are too steep. So I ended up putting a 20 kg dog in a huge grocery bag and carrying him up 3 flights of stairs at 01:00 AM in the morning after my night with Stormy.... but so far no parents or dogs were hurt during this Holiday.

How About You Guys?

Have you recently been in the same house with your parents? Did you survive, did you worry about it? Did you end up killing each other? You might save me some jail time by providing a couple of useful survival tips!
Or tips on dogs that all of a sudden start barking when left alone, I mean I can imagine it´s a big change....but he never did that before😉.

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

[Source Pic](All pictures are by Meme, MyI & AI unless source is listed)

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