Stagnant - For no apparent reason my mood looks like this pool.

Crypto feels stagnant, Steem feels stagnant.  My writing is stagnant. My mood in a bit of a slump.

I think it could be after the move is over and we have no immediate action plans.

Stagnant water in a small pool is a bad thing, it grows fungus and moss, and mosquitoes breed.

 Malaria and dengue are among the main dangers of stagnant water, which can become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes that transmit these diseases. Stagnant water can be dangerous for drinking because it provides a better incubator than running water for many kinds of bacteria and parasites 

I'm not  complaining, sometimes it is okay to spend a day or two not feeling highly motivated.

I'm of the opinion Steem needs a new drama, a prank, a stunt... ANYTHING new.   But it could just be my mood is restless, restless and stagnant don't go well together.  In any case I've considered it and nothing immediately comes to mind.  

RV Life Update

We are still in the RV it is going so easily I don't have much to say about it.  Tiny Fridge, tiny shower and the overly talkative neighbor, Dave, are the biggest issues.  Honestly, it is pretty scary how easily I adapted to the camper... Makes me wonder about the house shopping we are doing.  Or maybe I am just this comfortable because I know it is temporary.


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