Thoughtful Daily Post || The Price of Thoughtfulness

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From Merriam Webster: the introductory remarks of a speaker or author. Mainly because I thought this looked pretty professional. But more than that... it was my hopes it would grab your attention; did it work? By now... most of you know that life has been one big old rollercoaster. My mom's life partner passed on April 19th of last year. My fiance and I went to help her get things taken care of; funeral arrangements, Trust Account information reviewed, and mainly... to make sure she was ok. During our visit, she fell and broke her hip. After her surgery, she was placed in an Assisted Living Facility for therapy. While she was there... she fell and broke her hip a second time. The main issue? She had no one to care for her at her home (we had returned to our hometown, to prepare for her return to Missouri) so instead of just doing therapy, and returning home, She had to stay in the facility. She was there way too long, and after much aggravation with her Attorney. My fiance decided enough was enough... we brought her home early... but she was in that facility, for over six months; way too long...

During the time she was in that facility. Things were extremely hard on us. The stress caused me to have a Multiple Sclerosis flare-up... I was diagnosed with Lymphedema, and had to purchase a wheelchair, as I was unable to stay standing. The three of us joined together and purchased a new Double Wide so we had a new place to live... as well as a bathroom for each of us (it is a 5 bedroom/3 bathroom). Again... most of you know the terrible condition our old trailer was in (mold, rotting floors, broken water lines) so this was our way to try and start a new life for all of us. As you can imagine, my Mom is still having a really hard time coming to terms with how her life has turned out. Sadly... she is beginning to show signs of Alzheimer's and Dementia. So things have been extremely difficult... despite everything. We are trying to stay positive, and enjoy life as best we can. This explains why I have been very "off-the-radar" in all of my Discords, as well as giving everyone the attention they deserve in our Thoughtful Daily Post Community. A very special Thank You... to my dear Soul Sister @grindan, for helping me keep things afloat, and creating Monthly Prompts, even though, yes... the community has been quiet... for that, I apologize.

Are prefaces supposed to be this long? I have no idea LOL. But I wanted to let all of you know what has been going on "Behind The Curtain"... in case you had not heard. So then... enough about me, Let's get to the mindset of my post...

The Price of Thoughtfulness...


Are you still with me? I know I shared a lot of information up there... get something to drink, take a break, or give your eyes a rest. But please come back when you are done. Because this is a topic that has been on my mind for quite some time. While this has a lot to do with our blockchain. My mindset goes beyond the binary code of the chain... thoughtfulness is something we need everywhere; not just words to read on a screen. To be quite honest, I could sum up the whole point I am trying to make, by just pointing to the title; being thoughtful doesn't cost anything... and I am afraid everyone has gotten so focused on rewards, upvotes, and re-blogs. That the real energy of our blockchain has begun to get a little blurry. Now I am not pointing fingers at any one person, or group of people... or even community. That's not my intent! What I am trying to say, is that everything I have been experiencing since my Mom's life was ripped out from under her. Has really made me think about how precious life is. Now I am known for my "Gift of Gab" as well as turning replies, into posts LOL. So I won't keep you too much longer. But before I get my TAGS all prepared, and hit "Publish", I'd like you all to do me a favor...

My New Desk

New Desk.jpg


Remember when you first joined the blockchain? Did you spend hours trying to create a post that really meant something to you? Then... remember hitting refresh, hoping that someone left a reply? Now then... did you see me say anything about "Man, why didn't anyone upvote my content!". Exactly my point here... Just like thoughtfulness, a friendly reply could mean the world to someone. Whether they had just joined our blockchain. Or if they had been on here since the light was first turned on. It's up to all of us, to bring back that energy. I would invite you all (because "challenge" sounds too demanding) to help bring back that community vibe that we all know so well. Let's show everyone that we are more than just a place to make a buck... show the world that we are all just a bunch of family, trying to stick together! I will try to keep doing the very same thing... even in this wheelchair...

By the way...

What are you thoughtful for, today?

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A special "Thank You" to all these wonderful folks who have shown their invaluable support! Without you, there would be no Thoughtful Daily Post



Snapshots from the Thoughtful Daily Post Curation and Badge Account wallets

We are all just beacons of light! How bright we shine... is up to us!


πŸ‘‡Your Personal Terminal InviteπŸ‘‡



Image from Hive Memorial Forest Community

Silver Blogger's graphic created by SoulFood



Veteran graphics by @inthenow

Used by permission from the @dreemport

Created by @definethedollar


Image created by @wwwiebe

Wes Lurking 250.gif

was here...

All content is mine unless otherwise noted.

All photos are taken with Samsung Galaxy S9 or BLU G91 Pro

Editing Apps/Software Used: LunaPic | Pixlr | Snapseed

I also use Grammarly and DeepL

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