The journey/ #freewrites

"To help you get better, more coordinated, i have a plan for you." The voice was like nails on a chalkboard to his ears and all he wanted was to find a way out of there.

The boss wasn't have it this morning and Baur had to wait to hear all he had to say. There was no way he could wiggle out of this one.

A plan, he said.

The only plan the boss had ever had for him was to join the other journalist on the field. But, he wasn't interested in road journalism. He preferred sitting with the paper works in the office, proof reading and editing reports at his own desk. So why would he give up all that to go out and communicate with humans. Most of them are entitled and selfish bunch,He thought.

The boss finally spoke.

Lucky for you we have a new assignment. Go down to the state and interview our contact. All the details you will be needing is being sent to your email as we speak.

The boss walked out not giving him a chance to speak. He felt robbed of happiness. His soul was screaming for an escape route. His phone beeped and he went on to check his email.

Kaduna state!!! Wtf!

He's being sent to a state with religion extremist, there had been report of riots in different part of the state, even though it recently died down. Baur was not comfortable with this and he became more somber.

The village was a bit on the outskirt of the state, he stepped out of the company's van, walked towards the back to help his camerawoman offload her equipment.

Cherry was a nice lady, she had been trying to cheer him up throughout the ride, telling him how the interview is for 30minutes and they would be in and out in no time.

Hundreds of gulls hovered inches above his head,making their shrill repetitive cries
he looked up, he hasn't seen gulls in a while.

Cherry strapped some of her instrument on and Baur helped hold the rest . Their contact's house was four houses away from where they were parked. They couldn't go any further.

Suddenly, they saw a group of men walking towards them, chanting. They were protesters. He couldn't decipher the words because they were in arabic. They kept on walking, paying no attention to the two of them.

And that was when Baur had the brilliant idea. He convinced cherry so they could follow the protesters instead. He wanted to get a full coverage of the protest.

Field journalism was interesting after all


The policemen were blocking the protesters from going any forward. They had to protect the Governor.

Five minutes into the protest, Baur was interviewing some of the locals, their English were crude, but they tried to explain as much as they could. Then the protest escalated.
Baur and cherry got separated and cherry was caught in a stampede.

She opened her eyes in the hospital, a pang of pain ran all over her. Her face were plastered, her arm broken hanged in the air...

Where's Baur? she asked her co workers, standing beside her.
All trying not to look at her so she doesn't catch the fear in their eyes.

Where's Baur? she asked again.

He's ,He's still missing. Someone replied.

My entry for the #weekendfreewrites for @mariannewest three prompts for one story.

Check the @freewritehouse to join the freewriters.

Picture source: pixabay

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