My Dream Meetup

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This morning I happened to peruse hive writings and came across this and I just nonchalantly tossed in an answer. Later as I was checking my notifications I saw a reply urging me to write about my comment. It sometimes takes me a bit to fully comprehend things and contest rules are sometimes one of those things.

It is a new year and who wouldn't like to win a 2000 hp delegation and 10 hsbi? So here is my idea of a hive meetup.

What kind of meetup do I think would be an interesting gathering? One where anyone who is into electronics tinkering, so maybe I could learn some tips or tricks to reusing PCB parts and make something new.

I think Amarillo would be a great place for such a meet up. Not only do we have our very own makerspace but just across the street we have the Civic Center which holds events throughout the year. This would not only be good for the city in helping more locals find out about this space but they could also learn the benefits of crypto while discussing electronics and participating in makerspace events geared to electronics.

Some of these events could include diy challenges and showcase and tell to hands-on workshops and geocaching with a tech twist. Of course we would also need speakers. One at the top of my list would be Great Scott. Just thinking about it makes me happy.

I could go on with all kinds of ideas but this is something I think I will leave to experienced event planners.

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