Put your feet up? No, way the new world order is on its way

I do at times, especially during cold Winters but today the sun shines unexpectedly (just started after a lot of rain).
Suddenly the garden looks green and the grass (and weeds) I mowed only two days ago is long again.
I try to read a bit in between which is my only chilling time. It's a book about Dutch history, the history seen in through the eyes of us living today.
Norms and values today are different from 500 years or millions of years ago which may be clear. I always loved history classes. Lucky me had great teachers, real storytellers. If they started telling I was pulled right into that age. How cool is that?
Today's vision of history has changed. Personally, I don't think it became any better but the red line is still there and the rest is up to the listener or reader (depends on your imagination and fantasy as well if you can step into another world, someone else's shoes back than and can ask: what would I do? Who would I have been?).

My children do not know very much about Dutch history.
The book that I had and that was co-written by my great-uncle is no longer available. I have been looking for it for several years. If you have a great teacher history is not boring. History is meant to learn from just like we people should learn from our mistakes, our past.
Today's history books are slowly wiping out the Netherlands, just like the Germanic people. Those who do not know their history or the history of a people (including the suffering) do not know why a people developed in a certain way. Why did they travel, trade, worked hard while other people still took afternoon naps and did not save for later, did not economise and think of the future let alone save for a pension. Of course, these were not free choices and there was a higher power that forced the people to work many hours, get an education, save and think of the future. Just as this world order thought that certain standards and values were important while others were being trampled on. All this was not the result of democratic decisions but of a higher power deciding what was or was not a danger, useful or not useful for its own well-being.
When the countries began to take shape, everything had to be controlled and this required administrators. This went per village, city, province, country and also a continent. Each boss had a boss somewhere above him and those who could not tolerate this boss had to be removed.
For a long time, the ruling power consisted of the nobility and the clergy and these two groups had the same idea about the people hundreds of years ago as they do today. Frightening, playing the saviour/promising that if... then... and get paid (enriched) by the stupid people who promise you security.

Unfortunately, no power has lasted until now and as soon as the power can no longer govern, too much money is printed, the house of cards collapses and it is time for new world order. Someone else will come into power when the gap between rich and poor has become big enough and the people rise up or when there has been enough inciting and stoking and a war is waged with another country (better far away from home than the neighbouring country).

The history book I bought for my child's birthday is written through the eyes of the modern man and is a satire. Honestly, when I read this modern history book (including assignments for the school class) I cannot suppress a laugh and believe me, that is the way to get through successive crises (indeed, we are stepping from one crisis to another while governments continue to spend huge amounts of money and print money with no fixed value (gold) in return). Laughing and knowing that this is not the first time in history that this has happened to (a part of us and I am one of them) and we have always survived. Now it is clearly the turn of the younger generation. Should you panic, remember that after every crisis there is an upturn and that a crisis, distress also makes people creative. Those who can no longer go to school can teach each other, and learn new skills instead of hanging around on the sofa. In a period of scarcity, farmers, gardeners, do-it-yourselfers and repairers will earn gold and new inventions will be made. Those who have nothing will have to be creative with the means that are available, which will also save a lot of waste. Consider that only the many mouth caps that have been thrown away in the last two years will cause about 500 years of pollution, not to mention all the syringes, hypodermic needles, plasters, pills, drinks, visits to the doctor, pharmacy, chemist, gloves, plastic aprons and disinfectants that did nothing more than the ornamental piece of hand soap but are all packed in plastic spray bottles. And then we ban plastic bags, plates and cups (which can be washed). I bet the whole C-19 policy has only caused more pollution including the polluted air we breathe, the extra production of the ventilators that permanently damage lungs and the many, including children, who have been treated and died of thrombosis and heart disease. The pandemic of pollution is far from over and will be succeeded this year by the pandemic of CO2 on which everything will revolve from then on. The signed contract for 2030 must be met and there is not much time left.

History repeats itself.
Everything has become much more expensive and not because of a shortage but because governments use excuses to push through the agenda. That 2030 agenda and crisis is the way just like war. No one will say now that it was the government that kept spending millions on war, charities and memberships of private clubs while they were doing it.

You can be sure history is repeating itself.
Everything has become many times more expensive and not because there is so much deficit but because governments use excuses to push the agenda. That 2030 agenda and crisis is the way just like war. No one will say now that it was the government that kept spending millions on war, charity and membership of private clubs when they could not afford it. Whoever is in debt and starts borrowing money from someone private (money that is printed) can calculate on his fingers that this cannot continue indefinitely. Those who know history know what the future will look like if you pull the same tricks. The new world order, the same elite that has been ruling for a few hundred years and has long ceased to serve the people, knows what it is doing. The people do not think it will be so bad, after all, we still have something to eat and some even have very good food.

Someone has to be blamed for their own misery and the best thing to do is to blame a foreigner.
Man has been doing this for hundreds of years. It is always the other who lures you into war or into an economic crisis (often this is unfortunately true especially when a country thinks it can call all the shots and lose power).

History shows that every country has at one time or another been powerful or progressive. We still adore the ancient Greeks, Romans and sometimes Egyptians while we still hear the most horrible, barbaric stories about the Vikings, quite unjustly. The Germans have already been almost erased from our history and this applies to more peoples who are at the cradle of the history of many present-day countries. Personally, I think the history of your own homeland is something to be proud of, especially in times when others rule you and try to destroy your own identity and erase your history. We now see this not only in our own history and language, but also in our standards, values ​​and even appearance. A nation should no longer be who it is and no longer look like that. After many hundreds of years of immigration, emigration, mixing races is one thing for sure, we still do not accept people with a different appearance and behavior and never will. Let's face it that small 3 percent who actually rule (indeed not three percent) and own everything is really all the same race, the same ancestors, the same appearance and the puppets are replaced as soon as they no longer comply.

The book I bought for my child's birthday makes us laugh and at the same time it jokingly draws parallels with the present time. Not much has changed. Hundreds of years ago, the same cabal ruled, there were epidemics, health care was in shambles (bleeding or amputation was an option just like herbs and waiting for it to pass) and man survived without insurance, pensions and health insurance. Even then the treasury was empty and taxes were raised and people revolted. Even then many died while the nobility and monks gorged themselves and enjoyed the good life and were paid by the hard-working farmers and citizens.
This may all feel bitter but is the world we live in. We the common man whose life consists of work, sleep and with luck some food. Life isn't fair and nobody said it is. So it's good to realize that history repeats itself, that everything comes to an end and to learn to laugh about it. A bit of irony, sarcasm can be a healthy way of looking at the world (history).

Not worrying about what's coming is easier said than done. For this you have to have the character and perhaps not be a thinker either. Knowledge is power, they say, but knowledge is also a danger. The rich and clergy already knew that centuries ago. The people must be kept stupid in order to rule. Education and the development of new techniques is something for after the crisis, the war, when a world has to be built again.

While the one raves about pyramids come in from the land of the dolmens. Let modern man move these stones and place them on top of each other to make burial chambers. Building a dolmen certainly does not diminish the building of a pyramid. Each country has its own customs for certain reasons that have to do with, among other things, its location, the ground (the present-day Netherlands is largely below sea level) and the nature of the people who have come to live there. Those who live in the cold will have to work harder to protect themselves, keep themselves warm and provide food than those who can stay outside all year round. Every country, every culture has its own advantages and disadvantages and more recent history has also proven that what works in one country is not feasible or profitable in another. Let us be proud of our ancestors' achievements instead of ashamed. I don't feel ashamed, by the way, I don't know why, and don't let me talk about shame. I read with interest what people have achieved and I laugh heartily at the history of the low countries as described in the book. I will definitely read it more often just because laughing is healthy.

Might be an interesting video for you to watch

See @mariannewest for the daily prompt

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