Spartacadabra aidrop for Spartacus HODLers (OHM fork)

Hello HODLers,

During the past week I have been investing in the Fantom ecosystem and mostly into OHM forks.

The 2 main ones I decided to invest in are Spartacus and FantOHM. I did not jump into HectorDAO at the beginning and I feel it is quite overpriced at the moment despite the fact that it is a great project.



Spartacus DAO

Spartacus has been growing constantly for the past week and has gather quite a lot of TVL.
Another thing to notice is the strong backing of the SPA price by treasury assets. As a comparison Hector is c.$300 but has only a backing of $60-70 per $HEC token.


Investors have been pouring into the protocol as they boosted the APY to attract new capital flows. This is obviously not sustainable for months but it is not dangerous if it lasts just a few days. It should go down going forward once everything cools down.


Now let's get to the main news: the launch of their own platform to harvest profits on many different tokens. If I understood correclty it will look like some kind of Yearn vaults / CUB Kingdoms and there will be some incentives for investor to park their assets on this Spartacadabra.

As an investor in SPA, the team is really dynamic and there has already been a few governance votes. The community is welcoming and involved which is a healthy sign.


Discord announcement of Spartacadabra


My strategy: With these forks, I like to take some profits when I feel the token price is a multiple of 2.5/3x the backing USD value and I reinvest when it is under 2x. This airdrops changes a little bit my view as I do not want to miss out on this free token which might happen to be quite big in the future.

So I might allow the SPA price to decorrelate more from the backing price before selling.

Stay safe out there,


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