CryptoLemon is now an inLeo Premium Member!

Hi HODLers, Hiveans and Lions,

After listening to the last Leofinance Weekly TownHall, I couldn't resist to buy myself the inLeo Premium!

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  1. It is quite cheap at only 10 $HBD per month
  2. I am helping to increase buying pressure for $LEO and liquidity for the $HIVE-$LEO pool.
  3. As Khal kept mentioning: "it pays itself". This is obvious as I expect to get at least $0.5-1 per blog post and as I post at least 10 times a month, that's already $2.5/$5 net without counting all the increase in comments and threads votes!
  4. This is a sustainable review stream for the inLeo ecosystem and as I have been there from the start, it does not even feel like spending $. It feels like instead of buying liquid LEO, I am buying some extra features!

We have a bright future and we need to keep finding ways to burn some of the LEO supply. This is a good way!

N.B: I imagine there is a delay to be activated as it still does not show up.

And you? What are you waiting for to buy into the inLeo Premium Features?

Stay safe,

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