The Dog Orchestra - A Short Story


Every night, when the sun had just set, he settled himself on his balcony, in his easy chair. With his eyes closed and a smile on his face, he waited till the moment arrived.

Early on, he had thought that it was a different kind of sound. It sounded animalesque but not like dogs barking. After several nights – possibly because he was very relaxed that particular evening – he realized that the sound was definitely produced by dogs. The only question that remained was:

How many?

The echo, spreading over the mountains like a stadium wave, made this hard to estimate.

It also wasn't clear to him how many churches there actually where in the surroundings. He was sure about one thing though: he wouldn't need a watch here. The time was always told several times in a row.

He opened his eyes, still smiling, and looked at the moon that was peacefully present in the cloudy sky in front of him. After a while, he softly started talking to it. His exact words didn't matter. It was just that, sitting there alone on his balcony, he felt the urge to talk out loud and the moon appeared to be present as a perfect listener.

And then, the show started...

Like a big wave rolling towards the beach, the sound of barking dogs reached his ear. Where, in the morning, this sound would have annoyed him – especially because he wasn't able to switch this natural alarm clock off nor change it to a later time – it now was a completely different story. In fact, he was able to enjoy it.

He imagined himself in a comfortable chair in a concert hall. He was feeling great, the room temperature was perfect and he was holding hands with a beautiful lady accompanying him. Together, they enjoyed the concert that was presented to them. The concert hall was filled to the brim with people and nobody seemed to care that the podium was filled with a pack of dogs.

In reality, he was sitting on his balcony, in Portugal, alone. The temperature was agreeable though. And – besides the sounds of dogs – a soft chirping of crickets was audible.

To get himself in an even better feeling place, he decided to start directing the dog barking, like a conductor would direct an orchestra. He stood up from his chair, raised his arms in front of his face and started moving them around in conductor like ways for a minute or so. With the silhouette of his hands in front of him and the moon in the background, it was quite a special sight. He couldn't help folding his left hand in a wolflike shape and howling for a bit. The kid in him had never died and he was happy about that.

So, this is how it feels to be GOD?

he thought.

Then, when he had grown tired of playing and stopped the conducting, the dogs kept on barking. He wasn't as powerful as he had thought.

You know what?

he thought

I might not be GOD but what if I try to do this tomorrow morning, when the neighbor's dog wakes me up? Who knows, it might actually turn something annoying into something fun.

Image from Pixabay

I don't know if it was the audio book of Stepen King, 'On Writing', that I have been listening to lately or this afternoon's talk with my Steemian buddies @whatamidoing and @inuke - who are both writers - but, today, I felt like writing a story, for a change. I usually blog on my filmmaking or real life but why wouldn't I share fiction too? This story came to me while looking at the moon. I had just heard some dogs barking. I wrote it in Dutch first, just because I felt like it and then translated it to English and made some slight changes. I hope you like it. I definitely enjoyed the process! :>)
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