Lean FIRE and The Preparation for The Coming Civil War(s)

This article is going to consider some very real possibilities that are not fun to discuss. Many of us cryptocurrency investors that are in this space for reasons other than greed and mindless speculation are waiting (or at least wishing) for the collapse of the traditional financial systems. The governments have been postponing the crash through various financial interventions. If we stick to the previously commonly used indicators, most countries including USA are in a recession.

We Are Not Considering The Full Ramifications

It felt silly looking at James Damore writing his "Google memo" (full title: Google's Ideological Echo Chamber) thinking he is going to fix a problem in Alphabet Inc. James Damore is probably autistic and definitely intelligent on STEM subject. He was also socially clueless enough to think that his memo would be received as a bug report instead of a declaration of war.

Those of us who are looking into technology and economics could be making similarly silly mistakes. After all, there are very powerful entities, trillions of dollar and hundreds of millions of bullshit jobs that are tied to the messed up financial and political order we have today.

Short Summary of Rudyard Lynch's Thesis

My interest in history has been more towards ancient aliens and ancient civilizations. I do not take much interest in politics and sociology. I have been watching a few WhatifAltHist videos and although I am not in agreement with some of his views and have different proposed solutions (I like Effective Accelerationism and don't want to go back to the old ways of doing things). He has done his research and brings up very important facts + experiments. Rudyard Lynch has a point and we have to take his ideas seriously.

Outlawing Science Through Economics + Social Engineering

Go to the 43rd minute and listen from there. I did not pay a lot of attention to Eric Weinstein before. This interview did a lot to change that. The facts and ideas expressed are too much to be summed up in a few paragraphs. If you understand what he is saying, have been in serious trouble for a long time. Cryptosphere has been one of the few places where true science and innovation has been happening. Through regulation, governments and bureaucracies will be able expand their control into technologies that get adopted.

Lean FIRE > Getting Rich

There are many advantages to being rich. Most investors who are into cryptocurrency projects for decentralization and making a better world won't reject massive financial gains. I want to see $HIVE at $100 and I do think that is doable. The problem with living in a clown world is that it does not operate on sanity and predictability. Millions of people voted for Joe Biden after seeing clear evidence of him being unable to utter coherent sentences.

Joe Biden was never the president of USA. Millions of people went along with it in a true "The Emperor's New Clothes" fashion. We cannot expect sanity in this world anymore and if you start to take some time to analyze what has been going on for the last decade, you will see many problems brewing up.

Decoupling from System as a Priority

Going completely out of the system and living off in your own farm with solar panels etc. is a daunting task. What is more realistic for most people including myself is minimizing the contact with rest of this mad world and its people as much as possible. Even those who are in "Financial Independence, Retire Early" community can face trouble in a civil war. Ability to move around and not having to be desperate for employment are a must. Imagine being forced to take a harmful vaccine in order to keep your job.

Be Frugal With Your Investment Returns

Assume the worst financial conditions for the futures and assume the worst of tyranny and surveillance to go along with it. Use tools to keep you private such as Session Messenger and get your money to generate as much passive income as possible. Do not make large gambles that can mess up your portfolio. Assume you won't even get another income anymore to invest back into cryptocurrency projects.

Do not be glued to price performance technology news. Work on developing other skills. Find good communities. It could be wise to own some land depending on the location. Do not sink too much wealth into one location. Try to get multiple passports if it is withing reach. It will be a better use of your money than buying a Lamborghini.

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