#Marchinleo: The New Era of Online Education

Hello Everyone, Namaste 🙏😊


Education is essential and most valuable part of our lives. Education whether direct or indirect shapes the society in general and ensures how our generations will evolve. The modern education system has been on ongoing innovation especially in technology in the past decade. The use of internet and modern media has totally changed how we inculcate education in our lives. Education has been major goal of global leaders as it's a kind of basic human need. Education is the only way to lead a good and meaningful life. However education is not only limited to just school and academics.

Online education is the new face and revolution in learning. Now people can choose to learn and educate themselves from the comfort of their homes. This is beneficial to all those people who cannot afford full time offline classes and courses. Online education is also accessible to far remote areas and villages. There is drastic rise in education technology (Ed-Tech) space industry owing to increasing awareness and demand of online education in the masses. Online education also done away with the dependence on school, colleges, Academic institutions etc. Now learners can learn from the comfort of their home, with their own pace and understanding. Learning through videos is beneficial in many ways as we can set the pace according to us and also we can watch something particular as many times we want.

There is rise in Ed-Tech companies offering variety of courses at very affordable and reasonable prices. The highlight of such courses is subscription model. The subscription model is a nice way to subscribe to a perticular Ed-Tech and access the wide range of the course under single subscription. There are also many available payment methods such as EMIs and offer discounts making it more lucrative.

However in the end, the use of technology is as good as the user. Online education is a great boon and should be widely accepted as well as encouraged. We should also focus on the way we consume online education, it should not be taken for granted. We should be strict and disciplined when it come to online learning. The role is teachers in online education should be viewed with the same importance as the offline. The connection and relationship between teacher and students need to be more intense and interactive as in the offline classess.

The rising Ed-Tech space is more of a potential business now a days but at the same time should be considered as noble business. There should be no compromise with the quality of education. Education guides the whole generation towards a better society and makes us a better human. It is the responsibility of these educational institutions and teachers to provide quality education. Although there are mixed reactions among the people towards increasing online education influence and it is also seen as a threat to conventional education methods. But we should also see the bigger picture here, there is need for both online and offline education. It should depend on person availability and requirements of the students. Also both should work in collaboration to give best outputs to the learners.

Online education is still have a long way to go, seeing the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence into classroom will definitely change how we teach and learn in the classes. But the basics will always remain the same, the ultimate goal of education should be to bring values and quality into human lives. Basic education should pave way to choose best career for students and then it should be guided into right course of action to create future leaders.

This post is in response to today's Inleo writing prompt. If you are looking for topics to write on, do checkout the post for March month monthly prompt here: @leo.tasks/february-inleo-winners-march-monthly-prompt

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