It's ok to have Imperfect Life!

Hello Everyone, Namaste πŸ™β˜ΊοΈ


How are you all doing? Life is a mixture of sweet and sour things that makes the feeling of being alive delicious. We all have our good and bad days but that should in general never let down the spirit to bound back and be happy and delightful in life. Having a positive outlook and humble spirit definitely makes the life much more easier and how we perceive things around us. Most of the times we react on superficial and trifle issues which are beyond human expectations and control. We should burden ourselves into the overwhelming responses and so called taboo of being able to fit into the society.

I have been into my first job for less than two years now and it was a hard and long struggle to get the job. At first i thought of i get a job than all my problems will just vanish. But to my surprise i came to know what really life is and still learning about it everyday. Being able to live alone in city alone by myself and managing my lifestyle including finances, health, personal and professional life is quite a tedious task especially when we are on a fixed paycheck and working 9 to 5. The cost of living in cities is very high as i live on rent and had to settle myself from the scratch. It's only once start earning then he knows how expensive it is to spend, LoL πŸ˜‚. I really had a hard time to manage my expenses in my salary but then i start to build a discipline to save and invest first and then spend. I spend on on necessity now and don't have any liabilities or assets also.

I think we all have financial constraints in our lives as there is always need of more money. The best way to ease it is to spend & invest wisely. Also increase our source of income especially passive income. Important thing to note is more money is not always the solution, what we do with the money is the actual deal. A bit of financial knowledge is essential to manage our finances.

Right now I am too busy and occupied in current job that i hardly have time for other things. As I am also preparing for higher studies for better career opportunities, most of my free time go into this only. Also being all alone in city can very lonely many times as right now I am able to travel home to visit my family once or twice a month. I wish I could pay more visit home. Moreover I had been not able to workout and I miss going to gym alot. However I am still disciplined on my diet and no matter how busy i am I eat clean and healthy.


We don't have Perfect life, as there is always something missing or troublesome. It's all normal, it ok to be imperfect and accepting our situation. Our Problems are in a way lessons life is trying to teach in tough way to prepare us better and bolder for next time. Always remember and look around if needed that there are many who have more serious and difficult problems than us and still they are happy in the life. Life should be celebrated irrespective of the problems.

We should accept our problems in a challenging way and try to become stronger. We should not bother with little things and react to simple matters considering it a problems. Sometimes it's ok to let things go and ignore. I always try to remain calm and stay positive and optimistic in life and this really helps me lead a quite peaceful life. But then also it's ok to feel troublesome and take the burden of problems. Important is we should behave with more calmness and strong determination to tackle our problems . In conclusion, we should lead a Happy, healthy and prosperous life if not the perfect.

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