Good deeds are always remembered!

Hello Everyone, Namaste 🙏😊


Most of the people on earth come and go but few are those who make it to leave their presence on the history and further generations. Their ideology, good deeds and ideas live for eternity and they are remembered on several occasions for eternity. We all try to make our lives memorable and atleast make a good name for ourselves so that after our death people remember us for good and in no noble faith.

History has always remembered people who had contributed for the betterment of society and spend their lives in making lives of other better. It's is really very hard to earn a name for oneself in the world, especially one worth remembering. In case of an ordinary person, expect the family members no one remembers him after few years of his death. It's not always easy to win people. Also influencing even a single person will require great charm and charisma. It's very easy to be a follower but being a leader and icon is something else. Few are born with it, few acquire the ability to make themselves extraordinary.

For me I am quite a reserved person, having a small social circle. I had always been away from the limelights and being the main centre of attraction. However, i always try to help others and be nice to other. I keep improving myself for becoming a better human being. Not for sake of anything in return but just for myself. Being a nice and humble person nowadays is really hard. But trust me the best we can do for ourselves and to other also is to to be calm, humble, soft spoken and having patience as well.

The attention span of people today is very low, they want quick replies and quick action. It's very normal to get annoyed and irritated at just normal things. It's all part of human behaviour. But at the same time we should always try to listen and give proper attention to others as well. Being humble and showing a little bit of gratitude work wonders for me. Atleast I feel good. I don't care what other think of me and how well they regard for me. I just know and always remind myself that I have to focus on my actions and behaviour. Never let the action and behaviour of other shadow your own qualities. An eye for an eye is not always the normal, if you want to be a better human being.

That said, i just want to be remembered as a nice human being. A person who never thought Ill of others and never did wrong to others. Also its very difficult to please everyone but still though we should regard everyone with respect, honour and care. Earning a name for oneself can take whole of lifespan while a dint on the same reputation can be made in few seconds only. Then even if the person is remembered or not, the good deeds and his good character will be remembered for sure.

This post is in response to today's Inleo writing prompt. If you are looking for topics to write on, do checkout the post for April month prompt here: @leo.tasks/april-inleo-monthly-calendar-now-here

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