Weekly Featured Contents Week 01:- Edition 03: [President For A Day ]

Good afternoon, hive users, all of us, best wishes to us, may we always be given a healthy body, mind and always be given success.

Today I'm back again wanting to try to follow a weekly content that has been mutually agreed upon at a meeting on discord some time ago and this is Week : 01 :- Edition 03, where the topic this time is:

President For A Day

If we were the President of our country, we would do a lot of things. So, we wanted to know, if you were made president of your country today, what are the first three things you would do for your country.

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Actually becoming president is something that has never been thought of before in my life, because this is the highest dream and certainly very difficult to achieve. One of the reasons is because as far as the state of Indonesia has been established, there has never been a president who came from Aceh specifically, and so far I also have no interest in being in politics because politics in my country is currently not doing well.

However, after I read the topic at this time, there is nothing wrong if I try to instill this dream in myself, and if today I am trusted and elected as president in my country, namely Indonesia, of course, I have many things that I have to prioritize, right? in that case there must be something more important among those prioritized.


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This is one of the first hopes that is always conveyed when a candidate wants to run for president as well as me if I am elected president today, because the unemployment rate is increasing day by day caused by various factors, especially now that the world is currently in a state of crisis. affected by the prolonged COVID-19 outbreak which resulted in many employees working in private companies having to be in PKH due to a call from the government to enforce Community Activity Borders (PPKM), but the government has not yet taken a definite decision on this matter.

Therefore I want to open job vacancies in all fields, for example providing business capital assistance, making courses in all fields, most importantly I will take firm steps by not accepting foreign workers who are now working so much here while the natives do not have job vacancies.


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This is a second choice for me that really needs to be considered, because with what is happening now so many mothers are very depressed by the situation, all equipment such as basic necessities has gone up, cooking oil has been made difficult, BBM has been increased, everything has been increased. I have to take firm steps to deal with this, the steps I have to take are to find out the mastermind behind all of this, and eradicate all fraud. There must be so many market mafias who deliberately play because there is no firmness from the central government so that all needs are complicated. later the selling price will increase and be profitable for those who stock a lot of storage stock.


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The welfare of farmers is something that must actually be considered, because the majority of people who live in Indonesia are those who have their main job as farmers, whether they are farmers of rice, chili, coffee and others. namely by providing subsidized fertilizers for all farmers, the price of all medicines is conditioned so that they are able to take care of their plants so they can get a big harvest which we will be ready to export to various countries and can have a big impact on the prosperity of the community.

In my personal opinion, the third thing is the most important thing I have to do if I become president, the shortest time is 24 hours. This is a very heavy burden, but I want people to live in prosperity. Because these three things are big obstacles that have not been realized until now, these are all things that are happening to me and my family now, it is so difficult to get a job while foreign workers keep arriving, the price of feed continues to rise while natural products from farmers are priceless . continue to import goods which for me do not need to be done while the harvest in my own country continues to increase.

Thank you for those who have read my writing on this topic, if there is a wrong word I apologize because everyone is free to have opinions and must have different thoughts. Best regards @vikar.

10% of curation rewards has been shared with @Lazy-panda

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