We all can Make the Earth a Better Place: The Power of Combined Conservation


We all live in a world where we are blessed with natural resources which foster our existence and help to give us a better life. These resources vary in different localities and to some, they have what others have in double or more whereas to some they triple the effect. The exploitation of these natural resources has lead to a massive increase in the economy of the countries they are found. These resources continues to better life, transform the society and cause a massive yielding of positive results which make our living enjoyable.

The use of these natural resources serve different purposes and their needs and importance cannot be underemphasised because they stand to create a vacuum where no substitute of it can be seen. Seeing these valuable resources we are beautified with there is need that a collective effort is been employed to keep and maintain it while it last.

Subsequently, in the absence of these natural resources, we have little or no probability of living out our expected lives so there is a great need of maintaining and conserving these natural resources so that we continue to live and the generations coming behind us would have something left to restrategise their world, create and redesign it to what they want and how they want it.

Conserving of Natural Resources Requires a Collective Effort


With the increase in population of the world followed by its demands from these natural resources, it should be noted that if these natural resources are not conserved the way it should be, then we are exposing ourselves to serious danger. Lets take for example constant deforestation. In a case whereby the region in the world that is blessed with trees than other countries engages on perpetual deforestation, think about what would be the outcome of not just that region alone but those that depend on the supply of these resources, therefore the conservation of natural resources requires a collective effort.

The global impact of the lack of supply of an important natural resource won't only cause serious harm to our lives and its continuity it would endanger the generations to come. A thought that other natural resources depends on others to replicate, be preserved and continuity should be a thought of great importance because conserving of natural resource isn't just only beneficial to humans but to other living things and organisms that depends on them for survival.

Henceforth, if one particular region of the world conserves the resources allocated to them by nature with all manner of seriousness and carefulness and other regions do same, not just that we won't live a happy life and our existence prolonged but also it would increase societal development in the sense of transactions which might involve trade by barter.

Furthermore, conserving of natural resources cannot be a one man job, it calls for division of labor and a labor for all. If Mr A is helping out on its own way to conserve resources and Mr B sees that Mr A is doing it wrongly which can cause its decrease, scarcity or extinction, Mr A should be allowed to either take up the work of its maintenance or teach Mr A how its done. With this, we are creating a world where living isn't a hard thing to do and as such living well.

Societal and Financial Response to Conservation


Evident enough is the fact that the more reason why some countries experience a breakthrough when it comes to finance is because of the natural resource they have. The united arab emirates for example is known to have a natural resource which makes them change their socio-cultural background in addition with finance, thus making them one of the richest countries if not the richest in the world.

Their acquisition of these resources has turned them to a place of serious interest of individuals from different countries because they use the natural serious to create a fantastic world for themselves which they enjoy and other persons wants to enjoy too. Imagine if they weren't blessed with those resource(s) or them because of not judiciously making good use of the resource(s) allow them go extinct what would be their end product.

Another aspect of socio-cultural addictive to these natural resource(s) and its conservation is the location where it is been reserved, how it is been reserved in relative to what nature holds to back their existence. This invariably turns to be a tourist center for many and of course increase the activities of living in such region which can also increase population density of that area.

My Entry on @leo.tasks day 22 challenge


Planet Earth is Ours, Its our Job to Make it Better for Us and Our generations to come.

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