The Healing Power of Pets


Pets are living humans because of the role they play in our lives. It is because of this that pet lovers increase the number of pets they keep and this can be of different varieties for different purposes they play in the lives of their owners. Keeping pets have outgrown the fallacy people say that attributes to lack of work, rather because of the way some of these pets react to their owners, humans can go a long way to not just keep them but ensure there continuity.

At some point, because of the way pets behave, we have a reflection of if we really deserve them. They go a long way of establishing healing to those that need such and some of these healing is what this article is centered upon. After reading this article to those that detest pets or keeping them you might change your mind and might want to go for one.

The Healing Powers Associated with Keeping pets



Stress Relief and Emotional Support:
Stress relief and emotional support is one of the advantages of having pets that have a medical and scientific backup. Currently, we live in a world where there are divers things that can proliferate the level of stress and emotional trauma, infact living is a risk on itself. Emotional traumas from relationships, stress from work and many more tend to be on an increase as days goes by and having pets can help handle that. Imagine when been stressed, you cuddle your pet, science has it that while doing such, you release a hormone such as oxytocin which canters the effect of cortisol that causes stress. Now since this is true, you might reconsider not having a pet.


Physical and Increased Mental Activity:
Physical and increased mental activities is another healing power derived from keeping pet(s). Science and medical proofs has it that when one sits in a place for up to ah hour or more, the person is in danger of heart attack. Now imagine taking your dog for example for a walk, this invariably turns the hand of time from being prone to heart attack to improved cardio vascular activity. In addition to this, having a pet can also decrease the rate of blood pressure level and help in improving the overall mental being and fitness.


Therapeutic Effect and Healing:
Keeping of pets has a therapeutic healing to humans. People suffering from autism, suffering from post traumatic stress and depression keep pet(s) which helps them control these health problems or disorder. Pets ignites the fire behind making these patients handle what they are struggling with making it be as if they are suffering such too and giving them the attention and care they need as much as they could.

Pets are living humans and their contribution to healing cannot be underestimated because they provide what humans will find difficult to do owing to the fact that they are much more easy to be controlled. But my take still remains that keeping wild pet might be dangerous as in some cases it might be life threatening.

This is my entry to the #aprilinleo daily prompt day 23, and I invite you to check out this link for more interesting topics and be a participant.

Thanks for stopping by, do have a nice day.

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