The Day a Simple Hug Ended a Friendship

Relationships are an important aspect of our lives that's necessary because of the seen and unseen benefits they pose to us, such as entertainment, comfort, friendship, counseling, mutual understanding, and much more, to mention but a few. But despite how important this is to help us escape boredom and the like, there comes a time when we have to put an end to some relationship due to one misunderstanding or another. I, for one, have been in that shoe, although I'm an introvert and don't have many friends, but that doesn't mean I won't have issues with some of the few I had. Today I'll love to tell you about the worst reason why I put an end to a friendship.


Thinking about this now and trying to put it into words made me ridiculous. It'll sound to the hearing of others that I call off a friendship because of a meer hug. Yeah, you read that correctly. I did put an end to a friendship because the person in question hugged me. Now I know you might be wondering what's the big deal in being hugged or why. Well, you don't have to think too far because I'll explain to you what my reasons were, and then you'll understand that it's not just because of the hug but the manner in which it was done and probably where.

So for this to be well understood, I'll have to take you sometime back before the hug issues happened. As y'all might have known, I'm a teacher. Well, I might be this particular person at the school where I teach during the open day when parents ought to come to school and have discussions with their wards teacher about the performance of their children and the like. This particular person in question was a parent of one of my students, and when she came, I attended to her just like every other parent that came.

She did request my phone number, which I didn't see anything bad in because most of my students parents have my phone number, and so do I as well, for easy communication and passing of information to parents. Well, if I had known what's to come, maybe I wouldn't have given her my phone, but then that's about it. Almost the same time I gave her my contact, she started texting me on WhatsApp, at first enquiring more about her child's academics and how to aid her academic performance.


But as time goes on, she moves on to saying random stuff, personal details, and the likes, which I usually try as much as possible to shove her off or ignore, then she moves on to calling and the likes. To cut the long story short, she later voiced out that she'll want us to be having a romantic relationship, which turns me off completely, and then she even went on to send private photos, which she deleted, blocked her on WhatsApp, and ultimately rejected her advances. I mean, it's even ridiculous that a married woman is thinking of having an affair with her child's teacher.

Well, I guess being firm with my words and decisions made her retreat for a while, and just when I thought everything was over, her daughter had a misconduct issue in school and she was invited, which led to me having no choice but to unblock her, so I can easily pass information to her going forward and sincs then, its just just official discussion and meer friendship, but on the deed day when things went south, I was supposed to issue results to students.

But not without their parents present, so we can discuss their performance and necessity for the next school year. So all hands were on deck as I had loads of parents within in front of me waiting to be attended to, and while I was attending to one parent, I felt a hand wrap around me and then a body on my back. In a nutshell, someone was hugging me tightly, and if I'm not mistaken, that lasted about 6 seconds. I was surprised because I know there's definitely no one who I'm so close to at work who'll hug me in such a manner.


Even the sight of that made other students and parents uncomfortable or probably had the wrong message, so I turned around and realized it was this lady. I couldn't really say a word at that moment, but I'm sure my eyes reaction says a lot because she immediately released her grip on me and as well apologized. Later, when it was her turn to be attended to, I let her know I didn't like what she did, and as a matter of fact, I don't want to have anything to do with her going forward.

She tried to apologize that it's just a meer hug, but I wasn't having it; even some of my colleagues that were in the place at the time had a wrong message and thought I was having an affair with her. Well, I told her, luckily her daughter is now promoted to the next class; I'll appreciate it if she stops calling or texting me going forward, and although after that time she tried to reach out to me, I usually refuse all her advances, and that's how the friendship hit rock bottom.

All photos taken and edited on canva.

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