Destroyed Brazil - Consequences of a divided country | Part 1

This will be a series of 3 texts that I will publish so that reading is not so long and tiring and I can explain to people outside Brazil what is happening and what has happened recently around here.

Recently the headquarters of the 3 Powers (Legislative, Executive and Judiciary) in the capital of Brazil were attacked, and that was all that the Supreme Court most wanted. Right-wing voters (or radical right-wing voters, if you care about semantics) handed the license to the President of the Federal Supreme Court on a platter to become the most powerful, authoritarian and ruthless person in the country at the current moment.

Below are some photos from the episode that happened last Sunday (01/09/2023) and why they happened.



Banner calling for military intervention

Before showing the photos of the barbarities that occurred, let's understand the whole scenario and why it happened, without mincing words.

Elections 2018


After winning 4 elections in a row (2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014) the left-wing PT (Workers' Party) was defeated by a right-wing candidate called Bolsonaro, in an election against candidate Haddad (who until the present moment carries the title of worst mayor in the city of São Paulo), since former President Lula (2002 and 2006) was imprisoned for corruption.

Elections 2014


However, this division began 4 years earlier, when Aécio Neves of the social democratic party (sometimes center-left, sometimes center-right) lost the election to one of the first presidents in the history of Brazil Dilma Rousseff, a person with 0 political capital but who won two elections (2010 and 2014) under Lula's wing while he was still out of jail.

Impeachment (2016)


Chamber session that decreed by the Deputies the impeachment of President Dilma with posters written "Bye darling", mentioning a leaked wiretapping in which for Lula not to be arrested Dilma said that if necessary she would put him in a position of Minister of the Government to thus being judged by the Supreme Court (with a majority indicated by the party) and not by the lower courts, where Lula ends the call by thanking him and saying goodbye with that phrase.

In 2016, with the population tired of seeing consecutive PT government corruption scandals in the news, President Dilma Rousseff was impeached, which destroyed the image of the PT while the image of Jair Bolsonaro (president-elect in 2018) grew.

The country was economically and politically devastated, but in 2 years (2017-2018) Vice President Michel Temer, who took office, approved reforms and managed to put the country back on track, approving a measure called the Spending Ceiling, where the State could not spend more than it earns.

The arrest of ex-president Lula (2018)


April 7, 2018, Lula together with his supporters at the Metallurgists Union in São Bernardo do Campo, metropolitan region of São Paulo, before turning himself in to be arrested by the Federal Police

Lula was sentenced in the first instance to nine years and six months in prison for concealing ownership of a triplex penthouse in the city of Guarujá, passive corruption and money laundering, in exchange for favors at Petrobras (a state-owned company for extraction, production, refining oil and its derivatives).

When his process reached the second instance (so far in Brazil, anyone could answer freely until he was judged in second instance), his sentence was increased to 12 years and 1 month. Lula still had his political rights, so he could run in the 2018 elections.

However, the Superior Electoral Court later hunted down his political rights, preventing him from running in the elections, leaving Fernando Haddad to face the right-wing candidate Bolsonaro, since the other political leaders who were trying to run did not seem to pose a certain danger for there to be any scenario. different in the second round.

Part 2: Bolsonaro Government, Pandemic, 'reconstruction' of the left and the closest election in history

Part 3: Supreme Court, Hate of Good, Hate of Evil and an Uncertain Future.

When the posts of the other parties are published, it will be possible to access them by clicking on each one of them above.

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