Value Plan Budget 'Bridge' Proposal

This is a ‘bridge’ budget report and proposal with the goal of supporting a range of 2023 promotional activities on Hive.

Value Plan was initiated in early 2022 and is now coming to a close of its first year. It has been a massive success for Hive and the events it has supported have greatly promoted the Hive ecosystem. Where our original attraction was in part simply the shock value of a hostile takeover, our current draw is a blockchain and network which stands apart from its peers by the virtue of its pioneering technology and decentralization. We are projecting an increase of opportunities to showcase Hive on a global stage as a Web3 leader.

Previous proposals

Q1 - Q2: 50,000 HBD
Q3 - Q4: 100,000 HBD
Q4 supplementary: 50,000 HBD

Current ask

Supplementary: 200,000 HBD (Q4-Q1 bridge)

This proposed budget is mostly for 2023. It has become evident that major promotional activities scheduled for the new year must actually be paid for at the end of this year. This is not something we’ve expected unfortunately but as it is our first year running Value Plan, we are learning as we go. Major marketing initiatives with the exception of HiveFest and the hackathon have never been done on either Hive or pre-Hive until 2022.

Towards the end of the year we were very disappointed, as blockchain and crypto enthusiasts and as Hive community members, to find out that the majority of conferences that offered speaking spots would only entertain the inclusion of Hive at a cost. These costs are referred to as ‘sponsorships’ while in reality they are promotional bundles with presentation opportunities. We have referred to them as ‘pay-per-minute’ presentations before. To present about Hive one must sponsor. This has become the norm in our experience rather than the exception and the likely result of financial uncertainty for many conference organizers.

Before we begin, your Value Plan key holders are @Blocktrades, @Crimsonclad, @Guiltyparties, @Smooth, and @Theycallmedan. All have the full set of keys.

2023 Plans

What will 2023 look like?

Most Hive competitors have massive promotional budgets. These are well into the millions. We are trying to keep things reasonable while still remaining competitive. It is our prediction that we’ll see at least 500k HBD as a budget for the year (with a large portion of the present ‘bridge’ ask included).

The Hive rally car driven by @ssekulji will make its rounds not only in local races but also in globally-renowned ones. Costs associated with the vehicle (which must be changed to a different model for the world championship races) and with registration must be paid asap. Unfortunately there is no way to wait until the new year. We have inquired about major sponsor opportunities with the organization and so far have not heard back. This is a costly activity but with a great possibility of gaining visibility with investors and decision-makers who would not have noticed Hive otherwise. One of the championship races is projected for prestigious Monaco.

There are some key conferences that must be paid for before the end of the year. We are hesitant to reveal which these are because much negotiation goes into every sponsorship and naming it early may jeopardize it. It’s not as easy as buying a ticket.

Our Hive events and activities must always be professional in appearance and conduct. We do not show up to conferences in iron-on shirt decals. We always put our best foot forward and for our efforts have been seeing a sharp increase in invitations to join events as vetted sponsors or guests. We have had no negative feedback yet as all community members representing Hive have always done their best while collaborating with ourselves and others.

Due to the majority of promotional activities being both cross-team and cross-function by default, we will roll in a portion of the Hive Creators @hivecreators proposal (the team that designs most of the graphic design elements for events and social media) and aspects of @arcange’s Developer Marketing proposal (creating a developer-focused nexus) into Value Plan. That being said, all work is meant to be done in-house as a cost-saving measure and to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts. We are also likely to also see a major spotlight on Hive development events in the coming year.

Geographical Focus

We have a very good representation in LATAM so far with a large number of events in Venezuela that are all streamlined and established. Cuba and Argentina are both coming in with a growing representation in the next year and it is also highly likely that we will see them expand to parts of Brazil and Mexico. With the experience gained in Venezuela we can easily expand in the region as we already have a good baseline knowledge as far as requirements go.

We are also seeing a growing representation in some parts of Europe. The Netherlands is an area where we are seeing a great opportunity that reaches beyond Hive Fest. There is at least one conference and a number of tentative events being looked at for the Amsterdam area. With our rally car being based in Croatia and having a projected circuit that includes Monaco, and coupled with the fact that the (non-Value Plan) Hive documentary project is also Croatia-based we may see some further opportunities in the area. Recently Spain came up as another opportunity that will be explored.

In Africa we will continue to focus on our representation in Ghana with the water wells that we have been building to support local infrastructure and showcase the decentralization of Hive. This has been a wildly-successful project and there has been more television and news coverage than we can list here. We may see some expansion into Nigeria where there are quite a large Hive community already.

In the Middle East, will also continue to look for an opportunity in the United Arab Emirates. This past year we have made numerous attempts but the costs kept us back. Conferences and general investor-focused events in the area are far more expensive than anywhere else in the world and we are seeing speaker prices that are three to ten-fold the cost of others. Nevertheless we hope a great opportunity for Hive does come up.

Hive is likely to see more activity in the United States, particularly in academic circles. Several conferences are being looked at for the coming year in addition to opportunities in educational institutions such as the University of Oklahoma. Hive’s unique technology innovations have attracted the interest of decentralization proponents.

Activity Transaction

Funds are issued to project managers for each respective project. They are based on budget spreadsheets that are composed and kept by them. No funds are ever issued based on estimates. Concrete numbers are required for any budget and are reviewed and adjusted prior to dissemination. Budgets may not include hiring a vendor to carry out promotional activities. All specialized service providers such as merchandise printers or borehole diggers have no direct association with the project managers and are selected based on their pricing and quality of work. Contingency costs are only included where absolutely needed.

Zulia State Conferences

These are several blockchain industry-specific events and conferences where we have partnered with BNB Chain and other notable platforms and projects. They are all aimed at blockchain enthusiasts and are set for specific audiences.

1215 HBD to @arlettemsalase ExpoZulia | presenter and booth rep costs | travel/room/board for duration of exhibition | minor logistics included | Hive promotional project on October 8
1650 HBD to @arlettemsalase Zulia Emprende | conference booth and representation | Hive promotional activity on October 6
3744 HBD to @arlettemsalase ExpoZull 2022 sponsorship | event expenses + logistical and supply items | further expenses possible but not expected | Hive promotional event on September 21
4490 HBD to @arlettemsalase ExpoZull 2022 sponsorship | event expenses + cost of event + promotional items | further incidentals possible | Hive promotional event on August 27


1600 HBD to @crimsonclad SplinterFest | Hive promotional items | giveaway grab bag items | cost in CAD $2138 or $1600 USD | items to be delivered to US conference location | Hive promotional event | this transaction is issued by @guiltyparties on September 21
1125 HBD to @crimsonclad Splinterfest | logistics | in support of presentation and sponsorship | Hive promotional activity on September 9

Transactions to keyholder @crimsonclad were not at any time issued by her and were always issued with the express permission of all keyholders.


22 HBD to @c0ff33a HiveFest | Hive coffee | 8 x bags at 2 Euro plus shipping 6 Euro | Hive promotional activity on September 21


‘Revanga’ is a short name for a special education school (autism and other special needs) in Venezuela that is presently in a decrepit condition. It also has a little bus for student transportation. This is a unique project that will have Hive renovate the school building and place a placard similar to that on the wells in Ghana. The bus would be outfitted with Hive branding as well. The school is also part of a ‘documentary’ that is being produced to show the effect of Hive. Prior to renovations beginning the tragedy of Hurricane Ian struck. A village only 15 minutes away from the school was destroyed in a deadly mudslide. Part of the school’s roof also fell down. Fortunately no children were present due to the upcoming Hive renovations. The school became used as a gathering point for humanitarian supplies. Renovations are set to start just as soon as weather conditions stabilize in the region. The first part of the documentary is projected to be published in short order.

2612.5 HBD to @hexagono6 Revanga | labor for repairs | 10% contingency included | physical repair segment of the project | Hive promotional project | Hive social impact demonstration on October 10
250 HBD to @nahupuku Tech for Hive events | monitor | multi-event project including all events in Caracas area | Hive promotional event support on October 10
56 HBD to @hexagono6 Revenga | lunch logistics | video documentation segment of the project | Hive promotional project on September 30
150 HBD to @nahupuku Revenga | transportation costs | documentation for marketing on September 25
1762 HBD to @hexagono6 Revenga | 302$ USD bus repair | $1300 building repair | basic expenses | 10% contingency due to special circumstances | further costs expected | Hive sponsored promotion and impact documentary on September 21
730 HBD to @nahupuku Tech for Hive events | laptop | discount vendor as specified | projected amount should be sufficient | Hive promotional event support on September 4
910 HBD to @nahupuku Tech | camera + card | Hive event documentation | Hive promotional events on August 31

The technical equipment expenses part of this project are shared among other projects including the CBW and other Caracas-area events.

Caracas Blockchain Week (CBW)

This is a massive blockchain conference to take place in Caracas, Venezuela in November. It lasts a week. Hive representatives will be speaking during the conference where we are a major sponsor. We will also have a booth.

325 HBD to @arlettemsalase CBW | missed Airbnb costs | minor adjustment on October 25
3923 HBD to @arlettemsalase CBW | speaker logistics | domestic flights, transportation, group airbnb, food, general logistics | partial cost | major conference event on October 24
1000 HBD to @enrique89 CBW | shirts and other mech for conference | giveaway shirts included on October 24
265 HBD to @arlettemsalase CBW | bracelets and eco-bags | outstanding costs | giveaways during event and part of sponsorship | Hive promotional activity on October 20
2350 HBD to @arlettemsalase Caracas Blockchain Week | event bags | sponsorship | + lunch | CBW | Hive promotional activity on September 25
7724 HIVE to @danielvehe For transfer to CBW account | Hive sponsorship | transfer to designated account | $4000 USD as per CoinGecko on 20 Sept 19:52 pm EST on September 20 (this is the actual sponsorship cost)
2310 HBD to @arlettemsalase Caracas Blockchain Week | CBW| Hive branded bracelets | Hive promotional activity on September 16

Street Workout Community (SWC)

The SWC only exhibits in notable locations with the aim of showcasing through sport and local athlete empowerment the ingenuity of Hive to potential investors. Exhibition locations are carefully chosen.

4502 HBD to @marscrea SWC | Exhibition in Apure state | includes merch, logistics, transportation for assets and people, food, and misc | Nov event | exhibition | Hive promotional activity on October 24
726 HBD to @marscrea SWC | technology | laptop purchase to replace one lost in flood | unexpected costs | 10% contingency included on October 18 (Note: The previous laptop was destroyed in the devastating flood caused by Hurricane Ian. All other Hive SWC assets were saved but unfortunately the laptop did not make it and had to be replaced.)
500 HBD to @marscrea SWC | extra funds needed for Sambil mall presentation | unexpected costs | Hive promotional activity
200 HBD to @jonsnow1983 SWC | Hive presentation at event | travel and incidentals | Hive promotional activity on October 9
3602.4 HBD to @marscrea SWC | Valencia exhibition | base costs | shirts removed from budget | Hive promotional activity on September 26
Note: 3 x tx for Representación de Los Atletas en la Competencia Legens Of The Bars | SWC | 320 HBD | 180 HBD | 80 HBD | minor transfers are due to unexpected expenses in this mini-sponsorship
80 HBD to @marscrea SWC | Legends of the Bars | supplemental funds | food on September 25
180 HBD to @marscrea SWC | remainder of external event required funds for Hive representation at event | mini-sponsorship | Hive promotional activity on September 25
320 HBD to @marscrea SWC | external-hosted event mini-sponsorship | representation of Hive at non-Hive generated event | promotional activity on September 22
475 HBD to @marscrea SWC | exhibition in mall | logistics in relation to food supply and dinners | Hive promotional activity | no further expenses expected for this exhibition on September 11
400 HBD to @marscrea SWC | for the barricades required by the venue | exhibition in mall | Hive promotional activity on September 7
170 HBD to @marscrea SWC | giveaway items | newly printed small doorcrasher loot type items | Hive promotional activity on September 4
4432 HBD to @marscrea Complete funds for exhibition as per project budget | SWC | exhibition in mall | Hive promotional activity on August 31
270 HBD to @marscrea SWC | additional funds towards main budget | funds will be issued as needed and not in usual schedule due to timing | Hive promotional activity on August 30
500 HBD to @marscrea SWC | towards main budget for 2nd mall exhibition event | logistics | Hive promotional activity on August 29
925 HBD to @marscrea Shirts for SWC exhibitions | SWC | Hive promotional activity | exhibitions themselves do NOT have approved costs at this time and await sponsorships first | initial preparatory cost on August 22

Ghana Wells

4524 HBD to @mcsamm Ghana borehole project | costs of next borehole | additional costs possible due to inflation | Hive promotional activity on September 26
500 HBD to @mcsamm Books for school children | part of well project | 1000 books | Hive promotional activity on September 12

Paid Work

Press release writers may be employed by Hive dapps for their announcements and fit under the Value Plan budget under several conditions, being: at least half of the press release is about Hive (Hive boilerplate must be attached to the bottom); the topic in question must be inclusive and non-political; and the dapp in question must have a functional tool, game or application out and be of a stable, usable nature. Token sales and NFTs are not a fit. Articles should not obscure the importance of Hive at any time.

Press Releases (writing, publishing and monitoring through professional platforms). This is a task that has a per-piece value.

250 HBD to @allentaylor 1 x press release | written and launched | 250 HBD per on October 20
20 HBD to @jaurengui98 Hiveio post professional translation | ES | Spanish | hourly compensation for required work on October 10

Physical Assets

Where physical assets are purchased for any Value Plan event they are then shared with others in the immediate geographic area for future events. We do not replicate assets when possible. For example, if a tablet is purchased for a booth at one conference, it can then be used at other conferences, even if the organizers are not the same. There is an expectation of collaboration between organizers to make sure that our assets are utilized to their fullest.

Sincerely for your consideration.

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