The Hive 'Value Plan' Account


The @valueplan account is an account to hold funds that will be distributed for medium-sized initiatives aimed at getting Hive visibility.


The goal of this account is to reach 50,000 HBD through the DHF. A portion of it will be converted to HIVE as needed.

Unlike its related @pettycash account, this account is meant to be budgeted over the course of a single year. It is not meant to be refilled prior to this time next year. It's funds will be rationed out to ensure that we have a balanced approach of Hive-focused promotional initiatives. If any funds are unused, they will be placed back into the DHF in January next year and a new DHF proposal put in place for fresh annual funds.

Projected use cases

  • Sponsoring events, conferences and similar
  • Physical major advertisements
  • Significant promotions of Hive as technology
  • Tradeshow type activities (unlikely due to pandemic)
  • Paying people (community only) to professionally make key materials

Additional examples

  • Sponsoring a conference about blockchain technology innovation
  • Sponsoring a charity event that is a fundraiser for a cause
  • Sponsoring a Hive-formed hackathon team that participates elsewhere
  • Sponsoring a Hive-based type hackathon (unless there's a separate DHF for it)
  • Getting Hive logo on street advertisements
  • Wrapping a race car or regular car in Hive logos
  • Getting a dozen of articles and graphics created for external distribution

Not a use case

  • Items that are currently under other marketing budgets
  • YouTube "influencers" talking about Hive
  • Hive-based posting giveaways and things
  • Paying developers to build on Hive
  • Small ticket items that go under @pettycash
  • Advertisements to promote individual Hive dApps
  • Educational programs introducing people to cryptocurrency
  • Anything focused on promoting Hive as a place to earn money online
  • Paying marketing companies for marketing services
  • Ongoing salaries of any kind


This account functions exactly the same as @pettycash.

As the account needs to not only be properly managed but also have redundancy in respect to access in case of emergency, a total of five keyholders exist.

The account was created by @Guiltyparties who is a key holder and is responsible for recovery as trustee.

@Blocktrades, @Crimsonclad, @Smooth, and @Theycallmedan are the additional keyholders. All have the full set of keys.

Keyholders cannot be paid from this account for any work without the explicit authorization of at least three other keyholders and confirming transactions to that regard.

Account Use

All transfers made from the account must be made to another Hive account. They may not go directly to an exchange. This is for the purposes of tracking.

All transfers will be made with a clear memo as to the purpose of the transfer and it's ultimate destination. For example:
$7000 USD equivalent in HBD for ABC Tech Web conference Gold level sponsorship | detail | detail

Where the payment is for something too complex to be clear in a simple memo, a post will accompany it and the transaction ID of the post will be included in the memo.

Non-Keyholder Use

Hive members who are not keyholders should reach out formally via email to the account or get in touch with either @Crimsonclad or @Guiltyparties. Do not post or comment your requirements. Please ensure all attachments are in PDF format. No Zip or DOCX attachments will be viewed.


All sponsorships must be formal and initiated with a careful review of the benefits of Hive. They must have an attached sponsorship package that explicitly stipulates what Hive can expect from the sponsorship. For example, Hive will be mentioned 5 times during the event over a loudspeaker, have its logo prominently displayed on all event material, etc. The attendees/participants/audience of an event, both digital and physical, must be in a position to benefit the Hive ecosystem as in at least two of the following ways: [a] investors, [b] content creators, [c] developers, [d] project founders, [e] B2B liaison.

Where the sponsorship is for a charity event, the benefiting charity will be carefully evaluated. Events geared at supporting political or religious causes or organizations are not eligible nor are any events supporting individuals. Charity activities founded by Hive members are not eligible. Events held by charities directly are not eligible unless a distinct benefit to Hive exists.

This account is not suitable for small-scale local events such as your local children's soccer team jerseys. Please use the @pettycash account for such things.


This account requests 50,000 HBD in this annual funding round and proposal.


As mentioned already, all leftover funds at the closing of a funding year will go back into the DHF.

Liquid funds from this post will be sent to @pettycash. Powered up funds will remain as is for transaction purposes.

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