No beauty is define without a historical reflection: An antiscendent for a reflection of our own geographical deepth -in-sight.

No beauty is define without a historical reflection: An antiscendent for a reflection of our own geographical deepth-in-sight.

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History is the past knowledge that keeps through generations, the evens that have taken place in our lives, environment. It has a perceived influence impact on the lives of individuals who come across it. Our good, ugly and bad times make up about history.

History allows one to a reflection of the past event a without reflection, history, and beauty would
Beauty is the act that one perfect, which tells stories and keeps the memories.

The impacts on the life of the people to appreciate that act as to be beautiful. It can also be perceived as an internal, garnishing of styles, way of life, if a society, norms, and morals; that is directly or indirectly exhibited.

Beauty is the act that keeps the memories of history, and they both work in hand to make what is called history. The prompters understand that without beauty, we would really make no sense of articulate a history on this topic.

Our culture, customer; tradition, values mysteries, History, and beauty had got a lot to do with literature, of course, that's the root, that this can be written and appreciated. Aesthetics, that is not the topic to be discussed. Back to the topic, beauty in history.

I will look at the historical prospective on beautiful. From my community and environment where I come from, history is and act if beauty, divine and goodness, either one has done.

My parents told me a story of the ten Virgins in origin, a family who danced for three months, day, and night to appeal to the gods of my land. This is not a fiction, it is the customer of my people.

Our beliefs, the rich customs of my people. The reason for the dancing was to make up for the failed annual ritual if my people, I'm from a place, we still perform some cultures, beautiful culture that would be in history.

According to the story, the gods, were angry with my people because they failed to carry out his instructions as of when due; the beautiful thing is the beautiful messages, in this history, the outstanding uniqueness of the ten virgins who understand that their dancing steps would appease our gods.

So sharing the story alone is a deep reflection of the beauty in that history. There was a beauty thing in the history; that was why the store was the best family tale, at least I came to a more in-depth understanding of the beautiful impact my origin had done on my people.

We can drive from this brief story a historical antecedent. But the beautiful thing about the history is the act that these women sacrificed their time to redeem the entire people of my locality from destruction.

Their beautiful act has to emerge a time into the record of history, so when we talk about history, would beauty leave the space. The celebration of the performance makes a history that.

Beauty in history allows us to study the harmony that harnesses our past and ourselves, the belief and aspirations that such moments brought to us together.

Keeping in mind the transcending message that interprets our interconnections and defines our beauty. According to how it appealed to us. The brief shared that my parents had told me, may not make sense to you as it appeals to me, but that is the beauty.

I believe in the message, that for any changes that have taken to effect, people have paid the price for it. Those sacrifices, of whatever freedom we are enjoying today. Whether a global one, or not, but the message that enlightened and manifest in those actions defines us as a people.

Every society has a culture, without that, you lose your beauty, and the entire history, so history in beauty theme down the message that, we should appreciate what the time, past had done, and learn from it

Learning from them generally improves our weakness, imperfections. In today's globalised world, most of the history are commodified. Which means, we would be remarkable in the manner that our masterpiece, which are you and I would leave to our folks to remember us, and reflect to this time with the memory.

All these are reflection, from diversity prospective, that convey a message. But whether the message is bad, ugly etc. but is this case, I exploit around the beauty in the history I had told.

Of course, dancing alone should, be applauded, the uniqueness, and their milk hearts, to scale through the night, with the spirit, brings to light the fact that, a good deal of hospitality, and genuine love for one another, is also a very vital part of history.

So reflection totally without minimizing words, if one keeps up studying and learning our history we would grow a society, lifestyle; that is unique.

Because they are beautiful reflection, and lessons that interconnnect us and allow everyone in that locality, and society to know that there is a strong architecture that keeps and build them.

Which is worth having a reflection of this beautiful insight. So let's learn be so anxious to learn the beauty in our diverse histories just like mine.

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