Making the change comes from reading: An article to shade a light on reading habits and culture in the society.

'Reading makes a man: 'My people perish for lack of wisdom and understanding'

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Reading is not about your diction building, intonation development. It goes beyond that because many can do all these, but they don't read. As we read on, you discover what reading is all about in this article. This article exploits on the connotation meaning of reading.

However, man, can not, not exist without reading; is a part of human, that genres to discoveries, that can help the psychological development of humans and humanity searching for knowledge.

Reading masks a full man. That is, without reading you are obviously limited, without reading others' success and failure, man would be in a small world where more than many things are happening.

Therefore, a formed human is the one who constantly equips themselves with the plenty of knowledge without bias. One whose IQ is limited is the person who doesn't read.

Reading beyond doubts, is part of humanity, but when people fail to garner themselves with a reading habit, many issues, of life, hits on such individuals. Because the human brain is made of thousand of cells that need to be stored with knowledge.

The human brain is made, by nature, in a way that whatever you develop your time to store in it is how you are exposed to what is happening within that area.

Students who devout their time solving mathematics solve math than a student who devout time into writing courses, and one who is into writing courses do better than a mathematics student.

But, the brain is not limited to anything, because the natural cellulars in the human brain are made to be stressed to get further details and expand the brain cells, this can be achieved by reading. Reading is medically advised to be carried out by humans because humanity's development depends mostly on it.

Making reading a very vital, integral part of human existence. Not just because of the development of expressive and receptive purposes. Man wasn't born with knowledge expansion but was giving what they could build upon by God. And that was the quest to know about his environment.

And for one to fulfill that, human must- read. Because knowledge development after the creation of humans by God, who invented the ideas of creating humans with brains, there is no other brain that can be created into humans. Rather, humans grow and build upon that which God has given; by building themselves upon the existing issues around the ecosystem, and this is only achieved by being a chronicle reader and not just a passive reader.

I read a lot, of course, being a journalist, people expect you to be the peak of knowledge; I should know more about the trending and happenings in the society. I can only achieve that by reading because I can't afford to say I don't know about those issues when the question comes.

The world is too deep, deeper than what we are seeing, and it takes for one to read others, criticize them, be rational about the part of discovery interest, and carry out self research within that area.

Because you have adequately read others and their flaws; and that which your knowledge tells you there might be thoughts or something missing out and by doing that, you build your world and knowledge by reading deeper to a new discoveries.

So reading is very vital as living and existing. In fact, the world would have been a mess if everyone is not reading others. Reading doesn't make itself, reading is when people actively involve themselves in raising thoughts, whether negative or positive,
insofar, it concerns reading.

A chronicle reader is essentially, and exceptionally starving for new discussions, open to public issues; new innovative ideas that bring results.

For example, hive isn't the only App in the world, right? People read, sat down to think because reading shapes our thinking processes and generates new results. A good reader doesn't conclusively close up the chapters after a one turn reading.

Web 0.1 people red to discover we could get to Web 0.3 and people are still reading. Very soon the world would move from Web 0.3 and this would be beneficial to those who laid about and equipped their minds, knowledge gap. Who build a solid foundation in their minds through reading.

Thinking doesn't generate a result like reading. I often hear people say, let me think. No matter how good one's thinking faculty is solid and prudent to solution, without reading, the person is only limited to what he/ she is had subjectively perceived to influence the area of his thoughts.

There is no a good writer without reading, examples without reading, whether a sufficient reading process as a chronicle or a passive reader. You must read to be red, else you miss and mess up the purpose of what humanity holds for expansion.

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