LPUD Badge plus 5k $Leo Power Delegation Received! More Curation

Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) has become a regular event in the LeoFinance community and a popular event in the Hive blockchain. Not only for the prizes but because the community see a huge future with the $Leo token and position for that future by staking their Leo on the 15th day of the month.


January LPUD was a Success!

The first LPUD for 2023 happened about 5 days ago and a record 130k $LEO token were powered up by 152 hive users. This is an organic high amount of LEo powered up on LPUD.

We powered up 130k Leo!
152 Lions joined this edition - this is just one user shy of the record. The reason I said this edition we beat the record, is because none of the team's accounts powered up except for @leogrowth, and in the past editions we had around 5-6 team accounts that powered up (including @khaleelkazi, who didn't power up this time because he wanted to see how bullish the community is). Source

It's a big way to begin the year 2023 as a crypto community working so hard to maximize this bear season for BUIDLing and Stacking ahead of the coming bull markets. A lot of great developments around the LeoFinance community that would roll out with the new LeoFinance UI (a.k.a. Crypto Twitter it Web3 Twitter).

Participating in the January LPUD was one of my least in terms of volume due to some heavy budget trying to kickstart my family and personal projects for tbr year 2023 off the chain. However, that won't deter our reaching my goal of at least 22k Leo Power or 25k Leo Power by the end of the year 2023. Still pressing hard to power up at least 1k Leo monthly to hit that goal. Being a mini Leader of the pack would be be cool by th year end.

The Unexpected happened - 5k LEO power received

I've been personally joining LPUD not for the rewards, at least I've been LeoPuding weekly and monthly since 2020. I see LPUD as a time to spice fun into our investment journey. Breaking down my year's goals into smaller chunks achievable in weeks and months has always made achieving big goals look too easy.


I received a surprised package for the January LPUD. I had a mention in the LPUD Winners post by @leogrowth and lo! it was a 5,000 LEO Power delegation from @Jongolson and @mcoinz79. That's massive. Many thanks to the duo for the sponsorship.

That would be my first time receiving a LPUD reward apart from tbr December edition that paid out to all Leo stakers as a proportion of their tokens powered up.

More $LEO curation and Curation rewards!

I will be dolling out huge LEO rewards over tbr next 15 days and it would be particularly on LEO investment posts and threads.

Exciting times are ahead in the LeoFinance curation as we take microblogging rewards to a whole new level with #dailyprompts on #threads. Receiving $Leo rewards for short form contents would far outweigh the monetization models we wee on web 3 Socialmedia. Giving out more rewards in upvotes also means more Curation rewards and more $LEO staking and the cycle continues.

Beyond the reward, LPUD brings alongside a special Hivebuzz badge which would have an awesome usecases which should not be missed by anyone. I got my latest LPUD badge an would keep stacking more for the future.

It can only get better!


What is LeoFinance?

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Let's Connect

Hive: @uyobong
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uyobong3
Discord: uyobong#5966

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