馃挃When my world crossed the rainbow 馃挃/馃挃Cuando mi mundo cruz贸 el arcoiris 馃挃


2 years ago my Cat La Mousha crossed the rainbow due to a chance poisoning that I could not foresee and today's sun is something to bear super strong

Hace 2 a帽os ya que mi Gata la Mousha cruz贸 el arcoiris por un envenenamiento fortuito que no pude preveer y gasga el sol de hoy es algo para sobre llevar super fuerte

Here in Maracay, most of the cats that have a human family usually go outside almost always, whether you lock them up or keep them at home they always go out, and this was the case of my Mousha left the house and a neighbor rego poison in the food they put for the animals here on my block and unfortunately my baby ate that poisoned food and got sick 馃槗馃槚

Aqu铆 en Maracay, la mayor铆a de los gatos que tienen familia humana, acostumbran a salir casi siempre a la calle, haci uno los encierre o los mantenga en casa siempre salen, y este fue el caso de mi Mousha salio de casa y una vecina rego veneno en la comida que ponen para los animales aqui en mi cuadra y lamentablemente mi bb comio de esa comida envenenada y enfermo 馃槗馃槚

I realized because he was walking very weak, and he was looking for cold places, he was meowing because of the pain he felt and I had nothing to give him or knowledge to treat this type of case, nor did I have money to pay for a veterinarian and in my urban planning there is nothing Veterinarians willing to do something emergency without first charging an advance. I had to watch my cat die little by little and I could only accompany her and cuddle her while she cried asking for forgiveness for not being able to do anything to save her, she died looking into her eyes... and I was devastated. ...

Me di cuenta porque estaba caminando muy d茅bil, y buscaba lugares fr铆os, maullaba del dolor que sent铆a y yo no ten铆a nada para darle ni conocimiento para tratar este tipo de casos, tampoco ten铆a dinero para pagar un veterinario y en mi urbanismo no hay nada de veterinarios dispuestos a hacer algo de emergencia sin antes cobrar adelanto. Me toc贸 ver a mi gata fallecer poco a poco y yo solo pude acompa帽arla y darle mimos mientas lloraba pidiendole perdon por no poder hacer nada para salvarla, muri贸 vi茅ndome a los ojos.....y yo quede devastada....

After my cat died and I buried her in the yard of my house, I went directly to the neighbor's house and caused a tremendous problem for her, I was euphoric and sad, I felt guilty for my baby's death and I didn't understand why. The lady had done that knowing that animals have always been on our street and the community takes care of them. The lady did not give me a logical explanation for her action and I was very upset by what happened, so my dad took me out of there since it was a very strong argument.

Despu茅s de que mi gata muriera y la enterrar谩 en el patio de mi casa, me fui directamente a la casa de la vecina y le forme un tremendo problema, estaba euf贸rica y triste, me sent铆a culpable de la muerte de mi bb y no comprendia porque la se帽ora habia hecho eso sabiendo que en nuestra calle los animales siempre han estado y la comunidad se encarga de ellos. La se帽ora no me dio una explicaci贸n l贸gica para su acci贸n y yo estaba muy alterada por lo sucedido, as铆 que mi papa me saco de ahi ya que fue una discucion muy fuerte

It's been a long time since my baby passed away and every day she asked me if I could do something to save her, maybe...if I had taken better care of her, or trained myself to care for animals, maybe she would be alive... ...馃挃

Ha pasado ya bastante tiempo desde que mi bb falleci贸 y todos los d铆as me pregunt贸 si pude hacer algo para salvarla, tal vez ....si la hubiese cuidado mejor, o me hubiese capacitado para atender animales a lo mejor ella estaria viva .....馃挃

I still feel guilty about the event and just as helpless since I saw her die and the truth is, it is not something I wished on anyone, she was not my pet, she was my family, my friend during difficult times in my adolescence, she was there For me, and it is something that I cannot forget, I feel responsible for all that, and really if the animals don't go to heaven, I want to go where they are 馃挃, I always ask my cat for forgiveness for what happened. I share my story with you because I know that at some point you lost your furry companion due to whatever circumstances and it really is something painful and even more so when they leave like this, like mine did, love your furry ones very much and take good care of them. , they do not comment on the same mistake as me, since due to lack of information I could not save my cat....馃挃馃挃馃挃, people are very cruel and animals are like children without malice, and they deserve to be cared for and loved, no They are a plague 馃挃, I apologize for this type of post but it is a way to vent since the loss of my baby continues to hurt me, even though I already have other michis, it still hurts....

Me sigo sintiendo culpable del acontecimiento e igual de impotente ya que la vi morir y la verdad, no es algo que le dese茅 a nadie, ella no era mi mascota , era mi familia, mi amiga en lo momentos dif铆ciles en mi adolescencia ella estuvo ah铆 para m铆,y es algo que no puedo olvidar, me siento responsable de todo eso , y de verdad si los animales no van al cielo, quiero ir a donde est茅n ellos 馃挃, siempre le pido perd贸n a mi gata por lo ocurrido. Les comparto mi historia ya que se que en alg煤n momento perdieron a su compa帽er@ peludo por la circunstancias que sea y de verdad es algo doloroso y mas cuando ellos se van as铆, como se fue la m铆a, am茅n mucho a sus peluditos y cuidenlos mucho, no comentan el mismo error que yo, ya que por falta de informacion no pude salvar a mi gata....馃挃馃挃馃挃, la gente es muy cruel y los animales son como ni帽os sin malicia , y merecen ser cuidados y amados no son una plaga 馃挃, me disculpan este tipo de post pero es manera de desahog贸 ya que me sigue doliendo la perdida de mi bb, a pesar de que ya tengo otros michis, sigue doliendo....




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