The last one to leave turns out the lights & close the door

I've been toying with this decision and I dont know why

It's not like I'm actually a real social guy. I never have really seeked out social confirmation from strangers to solidify my thoughts and feelings. So I shouldnt have felt any kind of obligation to people who follow me across all the social media platforms I'm on. But it has really bugged me that I actually feel like I am letting them down. I do not understand why it feels like I am writing a goodbye world post. But it does.
In my history of being on the internet I started out using social media as a way to promote my podcasts. As with the vast majority of people I got sucked into the being famous feelings that it gives you. That "I'm somebody and people listen to what I say. So I'm always right and you must do what I do" feeling can be intoxicating! I had several Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. You name it I've been on it. About 5 yrs ago I started out on a mission of proving that the average person can do things that most people think you need to be a techy person to do. I think it's mainly just my own personal curiosity that I needed to satisfy. I have never been interested in having lots of followers on anything. I just like to play with technology. Because it's fun.

Well, the time has come. I cant do this anymore.

I've been slowly whittling down the social media over the last couple of years. I've decided to keep my current 2 Twitter(s). The 3speakvidshare and defluenced accounts. Obviously the Defluenced account is for the podcast I do with @allentaylor and is only about the podcast. But the 3speakvidshare, even though I never intended it to be my personal account, is now my personal account. I originally intended it be just a way for me to share interesting 3Speak videos to the world. I plan to get back to doing just that. I've strayed so far away from that intention that it drives me nuts. Now that it has 804 followers and grows each day I hope that it gets some more @threespeak videos a lot of traction. Plus it has a lot of Hive connections following it. So it would be dumb to delete either of those.

But earlier today I deleted my TikTok account.
It had a surprisingly 484 followers and I only posted 2 videos over the course of a year. And there it shows the glaring problem I have with social media.

It's all FAKE! Not just TikTok. But social media in general. Yes there is the occaisonal real person. But for the most part fake accounts. Fake people. 800+ followers on Twitter and I have interactions with a handful of those people? TikTok was the last one I'm going to delete.

The Keepers

Obviously I'm gonna keep Hive. I'm also going to keep my Mastodon account. Mainly because on Hive and Mastodon there is no algo's fanning the flames of war between people. The interactions you have with people are real. They are both decentralized and the user controls what they read and who they interact with. I will still keep making content and occaisonaly keep posting them here on Hive & Masto when I remember to post them. But as far as being active and posting on a regular basis, nah. Call me a kermudgen, boomer or whatever the current label is that people put on, I dont care. I'm done with being a social mediaite. I prefer to have real interactions with real people. Be aware that in the future if you comment on my content that it may be a long, long time before I reply to it. If I do reply to it.
As they say. If you're the last one to leave make sure you turn out the lights and close the door. Cause I'm out in the real world.

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