World's First Flying Coin ?!?!

Since I first started stacking a few years back I have seen all kinds of premium pieces that I'd love to own one day. Ofc I am a silly pleb so they will always be in Dreamland for me. Even if I was ever was to become a super rich brick I'd probably stay away cause I am a cheap fuck.

Today's piece is one of those. And oh my god, it takes the wow factor to a whole next level as it literally is the first and only...flying coin!

They say an image is worth a thousand words. So here's something better. A video:

Codenamed UFO MP-1766, this chunky boy has a weight of 7 oz and a denomination of 1766 Francs.

It was issued by the Republic of Cameroon and manufactured by Mint of Poland with a super low mintage of just 510 pieces.

This seven-ounce pure silver marvel represents a fusion of futuristic technology and modern aesthetics, pushing the boundaries of traditional coin minting. Symbolic of both mystery and advancement, its unique design and advanced crafting techniques redefine the art of numismatics, making it a standout addition to any collection. The "UFO MP-1766" encapsulates the spirit of progress and creativity, marking a significant milestone as the first-ever flying coin. source

Initial price was at 900$, which may sound a bit steep but imo it's not that bad considering how novel it is! I have seen less wow pieces going for more so I think it's a fair price. After's the world's first fucking flying coin 😂

Damn, I want this bad boy so much. Maybe I should go for a dhf proposal to get it?

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