early sprouts experiment

Hi, folks! :}

This is an indoor test v.13.01.

At first it was just a very old-school 13W LED panel 225x225 (3 are off :)), which was bought from ebay back in 2009.
It could provide veg light to your plants, no matter what herb/ spice you grow, but almost no heat!
Also the stems of the plants elongate, probably because of no balance in the environment.

Let me introduce myself before continuing!
This is an alt account of @trayan.

Later on I decided to add a little CFL bulb with cold white light 6500K (for some heat too) +11W. I strive to stay with low electricity consumption. Normally I pay like 5 euro per month ;)
They keep 10+C temp which is not great but enough to survive till warmer times. I still heat my room somehow...

Elongation can make them easier for early training I believe. Will try...
Another fun play is when you bring them outside in the warmer weather they tend to start early flower, because their photo-period was messed up. Well I do not light them up strictly.
You can double harvest and see them recover...become stronger.
Some even could change gender. I saw a hermie become female ;)

NOTE: only selected random free seeds were picked for this experiemnent!

in the mean time...

I planted some herbs/ spices at the sides of my mini backyard garden yesterday. Waiting for the rain today to compact the soil and bring them life for the coming of Spring! ;)

Stay HIGH & in healthy peace! ॐ


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