Challenging the MOUNT KINABALU in 2023 again

Greeting everyone ,

How are you ? I hope you have a good day today that better than yesterday.


The Mount Kinabalu of Sabah is consider the 3rd highest peak peak of an island on Earth .That what the wikipedia say . With elevation of 13,435 feet or 4095 meters high , Mount Kinabalu is one of the attraction in our country. I have been climb the mount Kinabalu a few times in previous year , i guess 4 times in my life so far. I conquer the peak 2 times and almost reach the peak 2 times. It have a good tracking way compare to other hill trail because it being taking care by the Sabah Park which is part of State Ministry of Tourism Development, Environment, Science and Technology .

In 1998 , the earthquake happen in our place which has change the earth structure including the mount Kinabalu. It has been close for quite long time for reconstruction before it open again. Then its been close again during the pandemic which was not only the mountain trail or other services at the mountain but also for most activity has been freeze in our country. The mountain track is only being open again early this year after the pandemic being slow down.

Here was some picture that i have take during my last trip. Too bad at that trip i didnt reach the top of the mountain so i only get some picture at the Laban Rata , the first stop before climbing the peak.

We staying at Laban Rata and sleep for few hour before start climbing it again at 2 am in the morning. Here was some picture around Laban Rata .

It was sad i didnt reach to the top at that time. TT


Im planning to climb the mount again with @gideongys in 2023 , to be exact its gonna be in September. This time I want to be full prepared this time before i challenge the trail again.

For those who curios the basic amount to be prepare for this trip , this is the fee for this trip. It was around RM464 or USD 110 . This is not including the food and car from our town to the Kinabalu park plus the mountain cloths to be wear during the trip . I dont have any air breaker since our place is not that cold - tropical forest-

Here the crazy thing i wanna do for 9 month preparation. Of course , in this few months i want to get my ideal weight back. Its gonna be hard but this time i ll do my best to reach my best body. Exercise , diet and fasting will do the job for me.

The second thing is i want this trip to be fund by my exercise. You might know or dont know about @actifit where you ll be reward by getting higher activity count. There is still 9 month to go , even the small reward can be put in my fund during this trip and one of the plan that was in my mind is getting reward from @actifit while exercise to challenge the trail . I hope it can be more so i can buy my new clothes for this purpose. I feel this gonna be fun .

Third thing i want to do is to conquer smaller trail . I wish to bring the ASEAN HIVE banner or flag on those trip.


They say YOLO , i guess i ll make 2023 more meaning full in live . I still struggle especially in financial basis but i know things will getting much better as long we fight on it.

Thanks for stop by in one of my journal . I hope to see you in future post. See ya. Cheers.

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