11/18 old fashioned Control Magic!

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Hello everyone,

So last week I wanted to try and test out some old cards that were being used before in old control magic decks and see if they still give good value or not, so I made a control magic deck and added 3 old cards that we do not see very often now, and I was able to overall get 11/18 wins that week which is pretty good!

Despite the deck having the same thinking and playstyle of ending the game at late with the flame of Shattering, those couple of additions worked pretty well for me so I wanted to share it with you because I love control magic decks and all its varieties in general! So no more talking let us see the deck and what are these old cards:

The Deck


So this deck costs only 12$ which is pretty cheap, and also contains some old cards that we do not see often now but still very effective because it contains the core cards that can help you Ramp up very fast and finish the game at 9 mana with the huge face damage capability. But I must say that they added cards from before were very effective so let us talk about them seperately.

Old cards used


"time bomb.png"

This little fella is not often seen in many decks nowadays, however it came out handy for me in many situations; really good against aggro decks to clear, can help you get some face damage in or bait out spells for your opponent to kill it. It was a nice additions for this deck for me!

All seeing-spire

"all seeing.png"

The most used card draw currently is Frenetic but this one can be better in some scenarios where your opponent does not have spells to remove it. It guarantees 1 card and can get a lot more sometimes and can be a good spell bait too! Definitely helped me in many situations!

Defend the Ramparts


This spell pairs up very well with the All-seeing Spire and also can be a really good deck for aggro decks mostly light or war! It can provide good, efficient clearance and was helpful a lot to me! A decent card to help survive early game!

Cyclops Defender


Now this card is usually replaced by either Helmna or City Planner. Now no denying those can be a better option for the value they provide, but this also is not a bad 7 mana creature to have in case you are on a budget and do not want to pay! This is also an annoying card for your opponent to face and definitely helped me win a lot of games!


Now the deck still holds the same exact playstyle as all other usual control magic decks which is surviving early game as safe as possible and then use your strong creatures later on. In addition to that, you should try to keep chunking your opponent HP as much as possible to win the game with face hitting later on and that can be easily done because of how much face damage potential you have:


So basically the gameplay will be exactly the same, however, those added cards from before helped in many ways and it was nice to try them again and remember divine order times.

Now of course, Pyrrhic Knowledge is an absolute great addition here, however, if you do not own it I was still able to get those 11 wins without it so do not worry! It is all about practicing and mastering your deck!


Final Words

It felt really nice to try out some of those old cards again that I used to play before when I was started the game and I was more happy that I was able to get a good amount of wins using them! This goes to show that mastering a certain type of deck and playstyle is as important as the cards that you are actually using!

This deck does not cost a lot too so it can be a good option also for anyone that want to try control magic and does not have the budget for it. Feel free also to try switching some cards in it while keeping the same outcome from the card, like using other ramping cards instead of the Crystaltech Scholar. As long as you master the playstyle you will be good to go!

So that was it for this one, if you like the decks I post please drop a follow I would really appreciate it, and I will always try my best to bring the best, cheap and expensive options for you all to try and also have fun enjoying the game at the same! So take care everyone and I will see you all on the next one!

Mad Love, Peace out <3

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