MODULE -Cryptoeconomic Ecosystem on A Decentralized File Storage Network

MODULE -Cryptoeconomic Ecosystem on A Decentralized File Storage Network

As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.

MODULE is a blockchain-based stage intended to use the free stockpiling of cell phones, PCs, servers, and so on as a benefit. Utilizing the MODULE stage, one will have the capacity to take part in mining even from a cell phone. Servers and endeavors can likewise take an interest in mining.

MODULE utilizes another exchange endorsement calculation. It is another innovation stage that empowers everybody to take an interest in mining, even from a cell phone. Notwithstanding building DApps, clients will likewise be able to issue new monetary forms on the stage. Module's accord (mining) calculation makes it conceivable to acquire compensates by loaning out storage room. As the capacity limit of gadgets advances and grows, one can expect the different administrations offered to extend. Notwithstanding issuing new unique coins, clients will likewise have the capacity to create Dapps (decentralized applications) on the stage.

Module makes it basic for engineers to manufacture and convey blockchain datastorage applications.

Access Module's answers, which empower, you to store and deal with your information secretly, safely, freely and rapidly.

Your information resources are put away at a blockchain address, which is completely controlled by you – the main individual who can get to them.

Exploit our stage's Secret Sharing idea. Lease space and begin mining – it's simple with Module.

Utilize blockchain for quick sending of your own administration, pay for information, information stockpiling and exchange administrations.

Utilize tokens to pay for framework uprightness and honor mineworkers, send installments to designers and benefactors, bolster logical labs and colleges, make member and dependability frameworks and so forth.


Inside testing will begin from October 2018. The beta rendition will be circulated to clients in December, after the fulfillment of testing. The official discharge in Google Play and App Store is planned for January.


One of the highlights of our task is that a token holder = MODL client. The beta variant of the MODL application will be dispersed to the clients who bought a MODL token amid the ICO. The greater movement on the application, the more estimation of MODL to be disseminated. Influencers will be utilized to proliferate the App and gain clients. Public statements will start in the Asian area from August 2018.


The objective is to create content in which clients can partake, for example, promoting models and group subsidizing. The arrival of one of a kind substance will enhance client fulfillment.


MODL will grow client content and convey stages to the world, along these lines obtaining Module's business region.

Ecosystem Module
Module is where any client of a cell phone, tablet or PC, having introduced the fitting application, will have the capacity to win tokens by dispensing a specific place in the memory of his gadget for a specific timeframe. This area will be associated with a distributed storage arrange for encoded data given to capacity by burning in view of p2p (equivalent to rise to) brilliant contracts.

Regardless of the way that the dispersion of substance is arranged far and wide, the accentuation is on the underdeveloped nations, for whose inhabitants even little measures of extra income assume a critical part. Testing the beta rendition of the application is normal in October this year. Due to blockchain security and circulation mystery, the MODULE application can be utilized in the field of Finance, coordinations and different zones identified with official reports.

With the extension of the quantity of members, it is required to give chances to everybody to build up their own blockchain applications. The current shrewd contracts and secure blockchain will likewise enable new companies to dispatch their own ICO (introductory coin position)

Ecosystem Participants
The interesting Protocol PoSTT (verification of room, time and exchange) – affirmation of room, time and exchange - enables clients to pay for the capacity, information exchange tokens of the biological system in extent to the measure of memory and time for capacity, the quantity of exchanges. The accompanying hubs are engaged with the procedure of capacity development for lease:

Verifier-a hub that needs a place to store its data, at the end of the day, the customer.

Agriculturist – a site that gives a free memory to facilitating the information and making these coins.

Digger hub affirming exchanges by keen shrink by making new squares in the blockchain.

The connecting server is found independently from the blockchain and is intended to interface the rancher and verifier, control the system and blockchain, and in addition store metadata and select the homestead organize, which depends on the figuring of the area of the closer gadget.


The Principle of Operation
ESS cryptography is a strategy in view of the utilization of an elliptic bend over a limited field. The ESS needs a littler key to give more prominent flexibility than different frameworks. Utilizing this technique for encryption, the verifier encodes the data and partitions it into a few pieces, which are arbitrarily conveyed to spare to ranchers. For extra security, the scrambled sections are replicated more than once. The interfacing server sends to the verifier the information of the agriculturist for the transmission of the coded section saved in return for the tokens as per the brilliant contract.

For estimations because of exchanges, clients pay an expense contingent upon the heap on the system. The consistency of this Commission is shown in units called "gas".

Wellbeing and lower costs

Followed mining charge

Productivity because of shrewd contracts

Extraordinary potential for advancement and development

High insurance of data from hacking and misfortune

The Module MODL Token and ICO Details
MODL (Ethereum ERC-20 token) is an utility token in Module's cryptographic economy, where Module buyers can pay and makers can win.

Token Details
Token Name: MODULE

Token Symbol: MODL

Price token: 0.008 USD

Platform: ERC-20

Accepted Currency: ETH

Sale amount: $4 101 686.00

Soft cap $5M

Hard cap $18M


16/JULY/2018 12:00P.M(UTC)



1/AUG/2018 12:00P.M(UTC)


Token and Fund Distribution



•May 2018

Management of the token sale

Participation in Consensus 2018

Start of Module platform development

Start of MODL App development

•July 16, 2018

Start of presale

•July 31, 2018

End of presale

•August 1, 2018

Start of ICO

•September 30, 2018

End of ICO

•September 2018

Listing on exchange

Start of development of the Secret Sharing service

•October 2018

Building of mining server

Testing of MODL App beta version

•November 2018

Testing of Module platform

•December 2018

Start of Module platform operation

Distribution of MODL App beta version

•January 2019

MODL App in Google Play and App Store



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