Discover projects that have been quietly enhancing your Hive experience!

Thank you for joining me on the presentation at HiveFest. This is a short summary of what I was talking about.


Block Explorer

The internet application that allows you to search for blocks, transactions or accounts in the Hive blockchain. Blockexplorer has advanced filters so you can quickly and easily find what you are looking for. It works very quickly thanks to the Haf database.

Links and resources



Clive is a new wallet. It is a desktop application run in a terminal. You can use it as a TUI (text based user interface) or CLI (command line based interface). The TUI version is really user friendly and can be used by mouse click. Clive supports most of the important operations that require an active key, the remaining operations will be available soon.

Links and resources
Wax library


wax is a library that combines C++ technologies (directly used code from Hive-core protocol), Python (support on Python platform, e.g. used in clive) and Typescript (Javascript) significantly simplifying interaction with Hive blockchain (creating and broadcasting transactions, using Hive-API). Wax uses a strongly typed object interface and gives support to IDE tools.

We encourage you to use the TypeScript environment.

The Python version is used internally, work is underway on the project of an object interface modeled on the TypeScript one. At the moment, wax cooperates with a library beekeeper.

Link and resources
Beekeeper library


The purpose of the Beekeeper tool is to manage the user's private keys. It allows storage and usage without having access to them.

This tool has two versions:

  • Desktop, as a web service that provides access to dedicated functionality via a dedicated API
  • Based on the core part of this tool, a TypeScript library was created for browser environments and NodeJS. The library provides the same functionality as the desktop version via a dedicated object API. For security reasons, this version does not support network calls. It stores the keys in the web browser local storage. It is encrypted.

We plan to expand beekeeper with integration with hardwallets.

Link and resources

Workerbee library


The small but very useful library written in Typescript. It allows for continuous observation of changes in the dynamic environment of HIVE blockchain. It can be used to e.g. listen for specific transactions, blocks, accounts, manabars, etc. You can easily write a bot with it.

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