What is blockchain explorer in the cryptocurrency ecosystem

We all knows that when it comes to whatsoever thing that we are doing in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, keeping record or rather still, record keeping is something that we should not in any way joke or toil with. I have seen where people argue about fund, when this is being done we all can see the Block explorer coming to play it role. I kept wondering what the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large will look like assuming there is no cryptocurrency explore in place. Once again, without much discussion, we all knows that cryptocurrency ecosystem without the explorer in place is total rubbish. This is why I always give respect to the great Nakamoto Satoshi for this amazing ecosystem. He is the one that gave birth to this master piece which has impacted the entire world positively. I am always smiling when I hear about cryptocurrency, we all can attest that for sure we have benefitted from the cryptocurrency ecosystem in one or two ways. This beautiful master piece has transformed and changed the lives of all those that are into it. For those who still keeps finding fault when it comes to the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large I will advice that you change your mindset and motive by simply keying into it. This is simply because you are toiling with what could change your live for the very best. Cryptocurrency is the future and it has come to stay.



With all that being said, we all should knows that blockchain explorer is something that has been playing it role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem by simply impacting the cryptocurrency ecosystem in a positive form. Seeing it giving us the privilege to be able to investigate more about what a cryptocurrency chain offers or giving us the abilities to be able to see transactions is something that we should cherish. With all this being said, what is blockchain explorer?

What is Blockchain Explorer

As for your information I am going to explain this in a way that we all will understand. Blockchain explorer is the heart beat of all cryptocurrency project out there. Blockchain explorer is seen as an online tool that renders or gives us the privilege for we to be able to investigate a cryptocurrency blockchain fully. What I mean is that with blockchain explorer all data's about a cryptocurrency project can be seen. There is nothing hidden that you can't find with the aid of the blockchain explorer when it comes to the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large. For blockchain explorer to exist, cryptocurrency blockchain must be in place.



One thing that you should note is that when it comes or deals with the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large, there is every tendency that it is a cryptocurrency blockchain that needs to make sure that blockchain explorer is in place. Any cryptocurrency protocols out there don't needs it simply because they are under a cryptocurrency project. Permit me to explain this better. Take the Ethereum blockchain as a case study, as all knows that the Ethereum ecosystem is a blockchain, this means that it will be needing a blockchain explorer but as for any cryptocurrency project that is under the Ethereum blockchain, they don't need to own their own blockchain explorer.

Why writing about this post I remembered how a friend of mine told me a story of how his friend ran into issue and at the tail end of it, they were able to resolve it simply because they were able to read about the transactions through the blockchain explorer and they discovered that at the tail end, the sender of a truth send the money, it was the blockchain that was running upgrade as at that moment. They waited and at the tail end, after the upgrade is completed, their money delivered. With that being said, just imagine a situation where there is no blockchain explorer in place, how will they be able to have deal with the issues and challenges that they faced as at that time. With this, we can see one important use case of blockchain explorer in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. If we are to go more and more we will keep mentioning a lot of use case of the blockchain explorer.

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I will end the post here, have a nice day.

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