Life in the old dog yet, creating residual income

Hello Hello Silver Bloggers and all hivers!

The nights are fair drawing in

Autumn is well and truly here in the East of Scotland. Leaves are falling, others are turning colour!

So I shall not be spending as much time outdoors, especially not in the evenings.

Which is good news and it means more time for side hustles...

Do you have any side hustles going on?

I think the older we get then the more we realise it is even more important that we get income streams set up, so that we can sit on the beach sipping margaritas in our retirement! I think the days of relying on pensions are long gone, especially given the stories of pension funds being absued shall we say!

Even when I was flying round the world as a project trouble shooter in the oil industry I had a few side hustles going on.

Would you believe I imported hand made wooden masks made by friends I knew in Gabon a country in West Africa to the UK? Yep I did that for about three years until the carver passed away and her son could not do it.


So yes I have always had side hustles on the go.

Even this month I have had my blood drawn by a trainee phlebotomist, I have had my eyes tested by a student in her practical exam for her degree.

I have tried out VR headsets and even judged a leisure centre for a national award.

Throw in a bunch of 1 to 1 zoom type calls to review and test websites and I think this old dog will have more than enough to keep me doing when I stop my consultancy work.

Just this afternoon I accetped a £75 offer to review a new pensions service in a £75 call. I do like a pound a minute hustles.


It got me to thinking, I should really be writing these down.

Often I get things sent to me that I am either not interested in or are not suitable, but they would be suitable for other people.

Often they are for Americans, and even I got my sister in law to open a new bank account and test the service and get paid for it. I got 20 dollars just for referring her to the company

So come October I will be launching a website which will have many of these side hustles on it.

I remember in the 90s making writing HTML for websites for fun. Of course it is way different now but yes I have had an old domain for a few years but will dust it off and get it flying.

It will have an old and young edge to it as @deraaa has agreed to assist, as time progresses we might have a Spanish site too as there are many things open to Spanish speakers!


An opportunity to promote Hive

One thing I learnt about any cryptocurrency platform that rewards you, if you want to retain users, you need to let them see what you are doing, pique their interest.

So there will be a Hive section obviously, but more of a writing and photography slant where we can store our memories for want of a better word.

The gamers I know just laugh at web3 games. Why on earth would a gamer play these games. Perhaps the trading card crowd but not gamers on the PS5 etc.

Thanks for visiting!


Lead image from pixlr and source indicated underneath the image and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.

@tengolotodo September 25th 2024 (Sep 13 Premium 5 VR)



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