Dear @Dayleeo // 13th September 2k18 // some days are like yesterday, just gotta regroup and go again, nice bright and brisk morning here.

I think you kinda nailed it, less talk, more work. That’s exactly how I felt this morning, I had a few ‘forks’ in the road yesterday but today is another day, I’ve got a client booked in later on and so we ‘go again’ — I’m certainly in the mood to be making video today, almost in a bullish attitude of wanting to force push a few things forward, I feel like I had a slacking day yesterday too, maybe it’s just a bunch of factors coming all at once, I think it will serve us better if we get ahead of that now.

I guess we all have our little angsts, I totally understand the one with paperwork and systems that always seem to be shape shifting or moving, especially ones that feel like they are against you when really it’s just our relationship with them, how they work, the depths that you have to go to just to move around this darn planet and it’s crazy borders!

so anyway, thursday morning, feels like a good thursday, I’ve got a clear plan, great coffee and I’m ready to get started, feel like I had a solid night and after I’ve done all my writing I’m gonna go crush my pots, make myself some lovely eggs and the RAR RAR sauce and we are officially rolling for the day.

I’m gonna have some downtime between 5pm and 7pm before the video chat with the remote client and that’s gonna be thursday, gonna get in my modding for the day and have the knowledge that tomorrow is my off day — perfect! :)

I realise you might have wanted to get more out of the day yesterday but I think the fact that you got some work done at all AND did meal prep is awesome, remember it’s ok to have a day like that it’s gonna set you up for the next week when it comes to recovering time back for sorting out food and sticking to the frequency — it can be difficult when you go off frequency for a bit but I promise you, you’ll make that time back up.

Looking forward to seeing mini biza tomorrow again, if for nothing else but for the exercise it affords me every time just recently, doing that big walk across and part work back, it worked out really good last week, maybe I’ll make it more of a meal in the park tomorrow — it was nice to hang out on the bank and just watch the world go by, it used up a bunch of time before the bus arrived anyway.

Right love, time for me to get into the morning ahead, top 10, vlog and moderation, let’s go, setting brain lasers to stunning, gonna do all my writing out first and then pots, eggs and recording — I think I’m gonna crush six additional videos for the unofficial steemhunt course too then we will be doing the podcast at 4pm anyway so I guess i’ll have a few hour window to decide what else to work on.

Hope we can get the circle images sorted on UW today as well, gotta start thinking of new videos to add to that because I know we offer more services that that, in fact I’ve gotta go through some of the recent client work to what other examples I can put up there — gotta reach to that other screencast that’s outstanding too.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

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