Sublime and Beautiful Sunday flowers and blossoms

Sublime and Beautiful Sunday flowers and blossoms

This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

I hope your weekend is going well its cooling down a bit here fall will soon be upon us and I do look forwd to the lovely fall colors, but know soon after will be the cold and dull days of winter which I am not looking forward to at all

So lets think colorful and bright with some shots from back in Spring this year when I visited Haskell Gardens here in New Bedford a nic elittle spot on a busy road here and seemingly not known about by many of the locals

Starting with this nice colorful blossoms

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Sony A7iv 31mm F6.3 1/400 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

a little bit about the history of the place

Allen Clifton Haskell (1935-2004) I have seen on line desribed as “a nurseryman with an artist’s eye.” and it is said he symbolizes the best of New Bedford – grit, determination, ingenuity and an outward vision that once brought New Bedford whalers to every corner of the globe and later won international acclaim for Haskell as everyone from European royalty to local do-it-yourself gardeners made pilgrimages to his fabled Shawmut Avenue nursery described as “heaven on earth.”

Haskell created an 6-acre urban paradise – a touch of Old World restrained elegance with meandering cobblestone paths, ivy-covered stone buildings, strutting peacocks and rare plant specimens like the European hornbeam hedge rising over a stone wall and a 250-year old American dogwood – in a humble, working-class neighborhood on busy Shawmut Avenue

it is now managed by a not for profit group I believe called the trustees and is free to visit

next a Tulip, I remember my late Mother loved Tulips so they remain special for me when I see them

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Sony A7iv 31mm F3.5 1/2125 Sec ISO 200
Click here to view larger

and another tulip

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Sony A7iv 29mm F2.8 1/250 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

MY Dad always liked having daffodils in his garden, of which he was so proud of his gardens were always beautiful, I didnt inherit a green thumb from him though

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Sony A7iv 30mm F8 1/640 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and anoher blossom to finish off the post

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Sony A7iv 44mm F8 1/250 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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