on the rocks

on the rocks

Good Morning i hope all is well with you

I have bene out for the odd walk recently mostly as I tend to do early morning around when the sun is rsing, but I havent had any luck seeing much inthe way of colors at sunrise, they have been mostly bleak and grey.

Now do not get me wrong i still enjoy getting out and gettign some fresh air byt he water even if it is a grey morning, but it is a bonus if one catches a colorful sunrise, so I was looking through my photos eding some for a post and came across this fiorst one taken at Fort Tabor beach on a morning when mother nature put on a nice display

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Sony A7iv 17mm F13 1.6 Sec ISO 100
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and then I was thinking what to share with this first one, I could have gone with colorful sunrises but decided to go with shots with rocks as a them, I'm not sure why but whenever there are rocks on a beach or in the water I find I will always get shots of them so i have plenty to choose from

this next one is again on Fort Tabor beach these big rocks inthe water always catch my eye, in fact I did take shots of them yesterday morning that I have not go around to editing yet

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 20 Sec ISO 100
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still on Fort Tabor beach this rock wall is at the opposite end from the pier

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Sony A7iv 28mm F20 8 Sec ISO 100
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well I seem to have mostly picked photos from Fort Tabor beach it seems as this next shot is also there

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 2 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and yyet again this one on another day we had some nice colors

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1.6 Sec ISO 100
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now this is the same rock wall as earlier it seperates Fort Tabor Beach from West Beach and I climbed onto it from the East beach side

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 2 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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