Leofinance And Veews: My Two Favorite Apps

For me, Leofinance and Veews stand out on Hive.

This isn't necessarily because of what they can do now. That is rather limited compared to some of the rest that is out there (especially Veews) which was just released.

What really gets me excited is the potential of both. They are ahead of the rest simply because of the outlook of the teams behind the projects. This is an important criteria.

The social media world is undergoing a major change. At the same time, we are seeing another evolutionary step in cryptocurrency. With so much happening, adaptability is paramount.

Each of these teams shows a willingness to indulge in the areas where success is going to be found. In short, none will be had by adhering to the status quo.


Leofinance and Veews: The Everything Apps

This is a concept mentioned by Elon Musk relating to Twitter. It is one of the reasons why I believe he will be widely successful with that platform. He has the vision to make it one of the largest financial institutions in the world. Of course, whatever it becomes, it will still be Web 2.0.

Elon has no problem with centralization, regulation, and the existing system. He prefers to operate within it, something he does very well. That said, for us on Hive, we feel the next phase of wealth generation is found outside what is already in place. To us, Web 3.0 carries more value.

The key to this is the fact that Hive is being called the "Everything Protocol". Being involved in discussions (along with writing articles) about some of the ideas for futher progress has provided insight into how things could unfold. It is true we have to build it yet that is taking place.

Boring down even further, from the ecosystem level, we find the applications. Here is where the concept of the "Everything App" comes into play. To me, project teams have to be thinking about this for long-term success. Ultimately, it makes no sense for people to use dozens of applications, each focusing upon a different area. Musk is aware of this.

We can bring the same mindset to Hive.

The difference is that, with Hive, there is incentive for the applications to enhance the features offered. Since all are pulling the same data, it only makes sense to incorporate as much as possible into the application. This is where we can take on what Twitter is doing.

Right now, the only ones looking in that direction (to my knowledge) are Veews and Leofinance.

They both have mentioned the desire to be the "Everything App".

We will see if they pull it off.

Bringing Something Unique Then Building Upon It

Both applications took a novel approach.

Leofinance brought microblogging at the comment level to the table. This is a unique proposition, one we have yet to fully realize. Nevertheless, this could be an opening to a different approach to Hive. If nothing else it caters to an alternate set of users, a group that is orders of magnitudes larger than blogging.

Veews is bringing content discovery to Hive. It is also positioning itself where it can be one of the hubs for content distrubtion. This will be novel to have in one place if that is added.

Ultimately, the features on the base layer can all be incorporated into these applications. Simply by being tied to blockchain, we see the instant merging of social media with finance. This is something that Musk is looking at doing also. The difference is the financial part, i.e. wallet system, is already standard.

We are going to see a race to the ones who integrate this concept into their development. Naturally, being on Hive does not mean competition in the traditional sense. Anything that is done through a front end enhances the ecosystem, thus anyone holding Hive Power.

By continually thinking about the expansion of social media along with finance, the community can evolve at a pace faster than the likes of Musk can. This is the difference between complex, organic decentralized system and a company.

We have project teams working on many different things. All of this tied into Hive.

Let the fun begin.

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