Leo: A Huge September?

We could be getting close to some things really starting to change regarding Leo.

In today's AMA, we had a few tidbits dropped that could end up changing the entire direction of the platform.

They were:

  • Leo-cache
  • marketing project
  • NFTs

Individually, they might be of impact. Collectively, they could be very powerful.


A lot of the conversation centered on Leo-cache. This is something that could having implications on a level bigger than just Leo. It could have an impact across many of the applications on Hive.

This is infrastructure that could help the scaling of those platforms.

One of the keys is the ability to have all indexed and not be limited. We could then pull all the data back to the genesis thread. This will resolve the problem with threads not being readable and content basic useless after a certain period of time.

This, however, is the minor leagues. **The biggest feature that will be added is word search. ** We all know one of the drawbacks to blockchain is the inability to search for content.

Leo-cache is going to bring this capability to the ecosystem.

It will make scaling a lot easier. Instead of being dependent upon the blockchain for speed, it will be Leo-cache. Essentially, apps will write to Leo-cache which will then send it to the blockchain.


We are aware of the DHF proposal that was submitted by the marketing team. It appears there is a great deal more work being put in to document the plan.

Marketing is going to kick off regardless of where the proposal stands on September 1. One think about the DHF is payments are daily (actually hourly). So not being funded on the first does not negate it. Any votes coming in after are applicable.

The DHF is a system where funding is fluid. It is real time voting tallying. If the votes are there, payment is made that hour. On the flip side, dropping below the return proposal means funding is lost.

We do not have the details as of yet but a lot of thought went into the planning and road map for the marketing plan. This is not something that was just thrown together.

The goal is to double the active user base of Hive. This was stated in the proposal. We are talking about roughly 10K active users being added through this Leo initiative. That means exposing at least 3 times that.

Many feel that marketing is best done by the applications since they have something that can appeal to people, Splinterlands might be the best example of this.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

We are also going to be getting NFTs. Like the marketing plan, we do not have many details. What was mentioned is the idea that these are going to be rewarded based upon activity.

There will be no selling of the tokens. Instead, one will have to be active to earn them. This is how they are minted.

One hope is there is a plan for the NFTs. Far too many projects brought them out as nothing more than money-grabs. Few have done much beyond that.

This is where Web 3.0 really can take shape. We are able to embark upon a time of great innovation. This could be applied to certain features, making them access tokens.

We also could see them tied to a game or contests. Here we see the value of the NFTs increased through utility.

It will also help with the gamification of the platform.

All of this could be rolling out in the month of September. It could be a huge month for the entire Leo world.


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