Predecessor Gameplay 3rd Person MOBA Countess Jungle [ENG-ESP]

Predecessor Gameplay 3rd Person MOBA Countess Jungle [ENG-ESP]


Hello Hive community.

In this video without commentary I was testing some things, and I decided to record a game of predecessor, a moba which is the reborn version of Paragon.

In this case you can see the compositions in the image and in the video of both teams.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 004529.png

Also summarizing the little I know of the game and the character this is an assassin but Magic damage equivalent to an Evelyn of League of Legends, so at the beginning is to Farm a little until you have damage.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 004634.png

With a certain level we can look for plays and start finding people like this ADC that I found in the jungle walking around.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 004742.png

Finally it was won because it was able to take certain advantages but it is a game that is still starting really so there are not many predefined strategies known which is fun, and you can always try heroes and new skills also can be seen graphically is a very good game, although there are strange moments in the game, I still have enough time to try it before I can give a concrete opinion for now is interesting from time to time.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 004919.png

Translated with (free version)


Hola comunidad de Hive.

En este video sin comentario estaba probando ciertas cosas, y decidi grabar una partida de predecessor, un moba el cual es la version renacida de Paragon.

En este caso se puede ver las composiciones en la imagen y en el video de ambos teams.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 004529.png

Tambien Resumiendo lo poco que conozco del juego y el personaje este es un asesino pero de daño Magico lo equivalente a una Evelyn de League of Legends, por lo tanto al principio es Farmear un poco hasta tener daño

Screenshot 2024-05-05 004634.png

Con cierto nivel ya podemos buscar jugadas y empezar a encontrar gente como este ADC que encontre en la jungla paseando.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 004742.png

Finalmente se gano ya que es pudo sacar ciertas ventajas pero es un juego que aun esta empezando en realidad entonces no existen muchas estrategias predefinidas conocidas lo cual es divertido, y siempre se puede probar heroes y nuevas habilidades ademas se puede apreciar graficamente es un juego muy bueno, aunque existen momentos extraños en la partida, aun me falta bastante tiempo de probarlo antes de poder dar una opinion concreta por ahora es interesante de vez en cuando.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 004919.png

Remember to check out My Game on HIVE!!





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