4 kids were taken away from the family in one of my country's regions.

Local CPS is going to deprive Pavel Pelevin and Marianna Kondyreva of parental rights.

The lawsuit states that the family’s home was unsanitary, the children did not study well, were dirty and hungry.
Parents weren't responsible and attentive, kids were taken to the hospital and then - to CPS traps.

In fact, like the father says, CPS started its hunting for kids 7 years ago when first two kids went to school. They really had problems with studying, and they paid parents attention to it. Then parents gave birth to two more kids, and CPS were waiting for the best moment for the attack...
In fact, their hunting lasted 7 years! Now elder kids are 15 and 12 years old, and now they attacked them at once.

They waited for the moment when Dad was in hospital, came to the family's flat, found the mother and kids sick (it was winter, and they all got a flu). They called doctors,and after treatment got kids away from parents.

Lawyer Irina Bovyrina tells that all the claims set out in the lawsuit are not confirmed.
And the children themselves deny all CPS info. They even recorded a video message to the governor asking him to let them live with their family.

Parents visit kids in the orphanage all the time. They both were grown up there as well, they know what life kids have there, and that's why they fight for them till the end...

Now mass-media and family protectors try to calm CPS down and remember them about their goal - to save families, not to ruin them.

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