On This Earth Day

On this Earth Day, I walked through flowers, plants, trees and greenery. While walking, I was thinking about Earth that what we humans have done to this Earth. This Earth is very changed now and has so many complaints against all humans. As we humans have done collective damage to Earth. Now we are acting as naive like we have done nothing.

In the race of going to moon and mars.... We forgot our own planet. We forgot to clean our own home. We all are earthy people but we are losing our very identity of being earthy.

On the walk, I was noticing trashes all around me, although I didn't captured them in camera because I was not feeling good to capture all that trash. This is all product of humans. We are making our earth an unclean and unhealthy place to live.

Technological Advancements and Earth

We have made so many technological and scientific advancements and in all that greed we are eating up our own home[ Earth]. We are not careful what is happening with each coming day. We are extracting valuable things from Earth and in return we are making it an unbearable land to live on.

Increased Rains

In Pakistan and in other South Asian countries, rains are uncontrolled. Although, the contribution of South Asian countries in climate change and global warming is less in comparison to other countries but these countries are facing severe consequences of climate change and global warming.
Climate change and global warming are non-traditional threats to many countries.

Even this is spring time over here but rains are uncontrolled. It's all result of climate change. On one time, temperature is high but on the other time, rains are destroying everything. Last year, these rains brought floods in Southern areas of Punjab and other provinces of Pakistan. That flood flooded many lives and destroyed many homes. Recovery is still on the way. So, you can imagine the large scale destruction and displacement which was caused by flood.

Temperature Reached Unprecedented Heights

Days are unbearable because of scorching and soaring heat which is making worse to walk during day time. As much as we are making advancements, we are losing grip on our Earth. It's bitter reality of our advancement.

Fossil Fuel Dependence

There are many firms, industries and even nations who are dependent on fossil fuels to extract energy. I think using "many" is not correct and I should replace the word with "every" Because saying "eco-friendly" is just for news and merely lip-service of institutions. Honestly narrating, I always read this particular line in newspaper that ; it's time to move away from fossil fuel approaches. But, this is merely in news and newspaper. When these things come to implemention then everyone run after easy thing to do and fossil fuels are easy for them instead of opting eco-friendly and costly approaches.

We can use technology and make such machinery that can capture and store carbon dioxide because one of the major cause of global warming is carbon dioxide and other toxic gases which are decreasing the air quality and defecting the ozone layer which is necessary for humans to live on Earth.

Deforestation ís just another aspect

I am living in city where forest is everywhere and you will see trees on every side. Still, deforestation is visible all around here. I have witnessed fire on the forest and that fire was initiated by humans not by naturally. This needs serious action from government. By killing these trees we are killing the lives. This message should be conveyed to all human beings. We all should be together and contribute as little as you can to clean this home. This is our home and our Earth.

Concluding Thoughts

Change will come from you. Don't think that any other person will take start and initiate. Take start from your end. When you will start then people will see and be motivated. In turn, they will also do contribution. Your contribution in cleaning the planet will have a wider and loud response. Either by your words or by your action you can contribute into it. It's up to you that how you are going to take part into this campaign. Best of luck.

This is my entry for inleo april writing contests for day 22

See you next 🌸 🌼 💮

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every picture belongs to me

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