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The ORBIS: Having the capacity to exchange digital monetary standards between conventional, ordinary customers will require an important reexamining of what benefits a cryptographic money gives. ORBIS framework can give this on a 24-hour premise, either on the web or face to face at an ORBIS branch. This will allow everyone to get to the advantages that digital monetary standards give them, including low exchange costs, no-restriction exchanges, brisk installment, and the evacuation of geopolitical hindrances to installment.

Approximately 4 million individuals are utilizing cryptocurrencies on a daily basis, with that number developing each day and anticipated that would surpass 300 million by the year 2030. Satisfying this market is potentially the largest financial open door in the last several decades. The ORBIS framework aims to be the best to do only this.

We accompany a fast, easy and cheap concept of financial transactions, venture and marketing administrations bringing out User Friendly administrations through savvy marketing in all social classes.

Our team's vision is creating another worldwide financial branches, based on square chain decentralized innovation. Orbis Company will give innovative transfer, payment and venture administrations utilizing cryptocurrency tokens and piece chain innovation .This innovation joined with portable and PC software, will give mankind the chance to make money transfers, speculations and payments utilizing our self-benefit machines, as well as personal smartphones and PCs with web access.

Payment techniques utilizing NFC portable innovation and charge cards offered by Orbis Company will be the subsequent stage in diminishing the stream of cash money from the market. Free remote Points of Sales offered will help small traders, business visionaries, independently employed, small as well as large entrepreneurs, get payment for their administrations and items.

As we as a whole know many of cryptocurrency tasks and frameworks, as Bitcoin, Riple, Viacoin and many other, only offer virtual administrations.

Orbis team intends to open physical branches all around the world that will have self-benefit ATM machines and one of a kind virtual reality customer benefit work areas that will automatic give monetary store, withdrawal, transfer , payment and venture administrations.

Orbis team will give professional marketing and venture administrations based on smart contract software helping startup companies advance. Having a youthful, philanthropist vision, we will also help the general public, getting innovation places where individuals can't afford and helping the ones that in require.

The current financial framework is heavily centralized and mainly serves the interests of only a couple of major players. These are the banks and financial companies that we see internationally today, which have a personal stake in maintaining their status quo. The lease looking for behavior of these tremendously wasteful and largely stagnant corporate structures have turned out to be toxic to the achievement and chance of nearly everyone else in the world.

The related issues that ORBIS intends to address are as per the following:

• The elimination of high charges and exorbitant barriers to passage through the removal of outsider intermediary administrations

• A significant reduction in wait times — transactions ought to be near-instant, not obliged to the business days and business hours of traditional physical banks

• Self-benefit and no forced points of confinement

• Removal of complicated paperwork and bureaucracy

All of these and more will be tackled by the ORBIS desktop, ATM, and portable platforms, which will be usable by individuals of all ages and will use an oversimplified, easy-to-utilize outline.

Orbis crypto-economy vision and marketable strategy.

The present rate of bank account proprietorship around the world is only 60%. The remaining 40, mainly in creating nations, don't have any bank account whatsoever. This is a stunning figure, considering what an integral part of daily life a bank account is for the 60% who do have one. In the past 5 years, be that as it may, the volume of cash circulation in the world has barely gone up, while non-cash transactions have developed by over 10%.

To address this, global financial institutions have contributed significant assets. Mastercard and Visa, for instance, among others, built up a coalition in 2016 with a goal of worldwide financial access by 2020. Their endeavors will center primarily around 25 nations, with most being in Africa. These 25 nations involve 73% of the total population who is presently avoided from accessing a bank account.

ORBIS looks to cross over any barrier, too. We as of now aim to give financial access to 3 million unbanked persons across Latin America, Africa, and Asia by 2020 through partnerships with banks. Our self-benefit platform will give an accessible solution to these individuals and allow them their first chance to open the open doors that finance grants them. These open doors will incorporate check card possession, smartphones with ORBIS payment apps, and QR and barcode scanning. We consider this to be a superior open door for the unbanked than what will be offered to them by

existing financial institutions, which are prone to human blunder and can be both tedious and troublesome. ORBIS offers solutions which

are front line by today's standards, so these recently banked individuals won't play catch-up. Safe and boundless transfers, fraud prevention, fast transactions, and significantly more will all be incorporated with the framework, from ORBIS branches to VR chat robots.

Our team endeavors to guarantee this improvement is done right and done well. We want to guarantee that once our platform is released, it satisfies our vision, changing the lives of the individuals who utilize it. We are also actively creating organizations in these places to encourage and faster economic development.

Marketing strategy

Orbis is aiming to give financial access to 3 million already unbanked individuals in Latin America, Asia and Africa by 2020 with the partnership of an outsider (bank) which can give self-benefit accessible banking solutions. The Orbis venture will offer the chance to already unbanked individuals to claim a platinum card, a smartphone with the Orbis Payment Mobile app, barcode and QR codes checks, through the philanthropic undertaking financed by the companies' benefits.

The banks and the present payment transfer techniques being conducted by individuals has indicated many human mistakes that can be irritating and tedious for customers. The amount which a person can transfer will be boundless done in a speedy one way or two way direction, forestalling fraud and scams. Orbis has planned a safe framework that will be established in Orbis Branches around the world with Self-benefit cash machines, and virtual reality chat robots that can overtake time and human blunder issues.

Our team is constantly working in growing new features previously the release that could ease many individuals' lives and making another sense also creating other new organizations, helping individuals run their own particular start-up more easily.

Orbis Tokens

Usually cryptocurrency platforms possess only a solitary unstable value token. Our company accompanies close to two tokens: ORBIS Token (ORBS) and ORBISInvest token (ORBSi) Orbis facilitates customers the utilization of the wallet

having two kinds of coins: ORBIS token is created in a restricted supply of 8000.000.000.000 tokens which cost will start at $0.50. Circles token will be utilized to transfer supports safely not causing customers any money lose. ORBISInvest Token is created in a constrained supply of 80.000.000 tokens at a releasing cost of $0.50. ORBSi token will be utilized by cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors for the most part to hold and earn from the coin appreciation on the cryptocurrency market.

ORBIS check card

Traditional Banking administrations issue cards that assure customers reach to their fiat money. Our Company will give an IBAN check card issued to make an easy access between our customers and their assets. This card can be utilized at any atm and boundless cash withdrawing at the Orbis Branches. Customers will also have the capacity to integrate their own particular charge/Visa into our platform to make store and withdrawal transactions to their own or other bank account.
The transfer of funds has evolved over the years, with more cost-effective and faster means of money transfer being developed, gone are the days of waiting endlessly on queues just to access funds for business transactions. Wireless money transfer has definitely made life a whole lot easier and ORBIS is here to take it a step further.

Although the means of funds transfer has evolved considerably, international transactions are controlled mostly by banks and a few third party non-banking institutions like Western Union, Moneygram, and RiaMoney, resulting in a somewhat monopolistic system with customers being exploited in the form of exorbitant transaction charges. Also, most traditional banks do not support or accept cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange, greatly impeding the rate of acceptance of cryptocurrencies globally.
ORBIS is employing blockchain technology in developing a funds-transfer system that is superior to the existing funds transfer systems and establishments, ensuring a more cost-effective and seamless transfer of funds.


The ORBIS DECENTRALIZED MOBILE/DESKTOP PLATFORM which is a unique, decentralized platform which offers a lot more than the traditional banking services. Customers can save, transfer, invest and receive funds easily on the platform via its user-friendly interface. Customer service is also available in the form of an AI VR customer service chat robot to assist with inquiries. The ORBIS platform will be available on various platforms and devices like android, windows, and IOS.

The ORBIS EXCHANGE which will be used in the purchase of ORBIS coins and for the exchange of ORBS for fiat currencies.

ORBIS POS which will be used by small business owners for easier payments for goods and services rendered.

ORBIS DEBIT CARD which will be an IBAN debit card for the easier access to funds by customers. The ORBIS debit card can b used at any ATM and allows for the limitless withdrawal of cash at ORBIS branches.

ORBIS COINS which will be of two types: ORBIS coin(ORBS) and ORBIS Invest coin(ORBSi) will be the native tokens of the platform. The ORBIS coin(ORBS) will be used for the secure transfer of funds while the ORBSi coin will be used by cryptocurrency enthusiasts, investors and traders mostly to hold and benefit from the appreciation in value of the coins.

The ORBIS WALLET which is a digital wallet will be used for the storing of ORBIS coins. The wallet will be built into the ORBIS platform and will comprise different token accounts like the Transfer token account, Investment token account, Savings account, and an IBAN fiat currencies account, with each account being designed for a specific type of transaction.

ORBIS MOBILE NFC PAYMENT system which works together with the ORBIS mobile application provides users with an easier and faster means of payment using their NFC enabled mobile devices.

Instant transfer of funds to anyone, anywhere at any time at very low transaction fees.
Easy access to funds using personal debit/credit cards or ORBIS debit card.
International no-limit transfer functionality.
Support for fiat currency transactions.
Payment of interest on ORBIS tokens held in the ORBIS savings account.
Access to short-term credit loans in the form of credit applications.
Appreciation in value of ORBSi token holdings over time through the cryptocurrency markets.

The ORBIS token sale is underway and early buyers/investors get to purchase tokens at incredible discounts. The details of the token sale can be found below:


ORBIS has structured and outlined how it intends becoming a leading Fintech brand globally in the roadmap shown below

For more information visit:


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