Splinterlands Social Media Challenge : My Favorite Rare Gladius Card


Hello Splinterland friends, another week for us to share about what we love about our favorite card game on Hive.

I've been seeing a lot of changes in the game lately, one of them is the incoming update on burning of Gladius cards will become Merits instead of DEC. Given that many players burned their gladius sets but for me personally I'll be keeping them since they are a very helpful too in winning brawls and rank battles.

On this post I will be showcasing a battle of my favorite rare unit in the Gladius Set.

Presenting Captain Katie.


  • For me Katie is the a very strong Rare Unit, even better than some epic and legadary cards. With her high magic damage and the Snipe activating that bloodlust is an easy task.
  • Currently I have a level 4 copy and from my battles I can say that she is a real strong mage.

Featured Battle

So here is a battle showing why not to mess with Captain Katie.

Battle Rules


  • FiveAlive - given a 43 mana and allowed only to use 5 units required picking a lot of high mana to maximize the whole mana.
  • Fire and Regret - with this rule a higher chance for mages and melee to be picked, there is where Katie will show how strong she is.
  • Elements - with the given elements not much melee units are strong enough unlike in water element, so a better change for my planned pick to work.

Batlle Highlight


  • I pick Iziar to give more time for Katie to snipe her targets for her to be able to activate her bloodlust.
  • The opponent may have scatter shot but their sneak ability override it , so my taunt will be their target except for Inferni.


  • All the heavy hits are taken by Iziar, but the repair and triage from my allies are keeping her sustained.
  • On Katie's turn, she sniped Inferni activating her Bloodlust, I still cant believe she is just a rare unit , a 4 magic damage and a low mana requirement, the reason why I love her.


  • My Pelacor fell but Adelade used revive, now also my utilities are coming in handy.
  • Flameblade have a very thick armor and health, It took a while to take him down due to his void decreasing my magic damage, but Iziar finally delivered the final hit.


  • Iziar Still maanged to survive all the hits she receive.
  • Now only Uraeus is in my way to victory. Captain Katie delivered the very last hit, now lets see her final form after the battle.


  • Now this is her final form, a sight that proves she is a really strong unit compared to other rare units.

You can watch the full battle HERE.

How bout you what's your favorite gladius cards, be sure to share it here on the SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGE.

Thanks again for dropping by,
Have a good day, see you in the next one!



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