Wali without


One day I met a crazy person not far from the grave of a guardian, he rattled it was not clear like he was talking to someone, he spoke like this:
"if they knew that there was a guardian" without a name without a title "who had the ability as a qutb guardian, surely they would come in droves to kiss the guardian's hand without the title asking to be prayed for, if the nameless guardian had died undoubtedly they will linger in their burial dhikr, pray and pray for themselves to ask forgiveness of ALLAHU FORMERS for their sins so far. If they knew if they were sami'na wa athona to a guardian without a name without a title, ALLAHU SWT would lift his rank But, unfortunately, because the guardian is without a name and without an inheritance title, he is often overlooked and ignored by everyone. "I heard the chatter was shocked and muttered" huh? There is an anonymous guardian without a degree whose abilities are like the qutb guardian? "
with a little fear I approached him out of curiosity to know who was an anonymous guardian without the title?
then a dialog occurs:
I: sorry mbah I heard the preacher was raving on at length and talking about guardians without a name without a title, who exactly is the guardian mbah? why is it that such a nameless guardian without a degree has the ability and degree to almost match the qutb guardian?
The madman turned towards me and his eyes glared a little and said:
"Who do you say? You eavesdropped on what I said? What's important is that you need to feel about nameless guardians?"
He said in a rather high tone, Hearing his rather high-pitched voice impressed me a little fear and trepidation, then said:
"sorry mbah, it is not my intention to offend mbah, my name is jefri, I am a muhibbun lover of the saints of ALLAHU, sometimes I and my friends make pilgrimages to the graves of the saints, I am curious and interested in an anonymous guardian without a title mention, if you may know who the guardian is, mbah? "
The crazy man burst out laughing and said: "HA HA HA HA HA HAA ... the basic goblog boy, his name is also a guardian without a name without a title, of course I don't know the name of the guardian and what is his title, you look Looks smart but it turns out you are a blog, HA HA HA HA HA "
JLEEB, it felt very stabbing, he said he called me a stupid kid and a goblog, my face was red and holding a little emotion, it seems I mistakenly thought the crazy person was a person who could be invited to dialogue, but in fact he called me a goblog boy, yeah I was a goblog. without a title without a title so who knows the name of the guardian? who knows the title of the guardian while the guardian is without a degree ?, ach never mind I should just leave him, I began to turn around and look away with a sour face to leave the madman,
"Hi jefri, where are you going, how come you have not said a greeting, instead just left without saying a greeting, just being ridiculed and already surly, does your murshid who is a qutb guardian not teach you to say hello when you come and go? Is your murshid does a guardian not teach you to be patient in resisting reproach and contempt? "
my steps stopped, astaghfirullah .... absolutely right, I forgot to say a greeting before starting the conversation and I also just left without saying a greeting, and I never thought he called my murshid a qutb guardian, it seems he knew my murshid
then I approached him again and said "assalammu 'alaikum wr. wb. mbah, apologize for my impudence for coming and going without greeting, once again I apologize" (while trying to grab his hand to shake hands and kiss his hand), crazy person it brushed aside my hand as I said "wiss already, enough to say sorry and don't need to kiss all hands"
I became embarrassed, suddenly a moment of silence for a few minutes, I was silent and he was still silent atmosphere like in a grave
"why are you still here?"
arrived - when his voice broke the silence, I was rather shocked then said:
"Sorry ... bro ... my", the crazy man interrupted my sentence "my ... my ... what are you doing? speaking clearly, don't talk dirty, it's your thing there, want to show off and fight? let's go here ladenin, where are you? let's show it "
annnnccur ... my face feels red, feeling embarrassed and stupid in front of the madman,
with a slight sense of embarrassment I still ventured to ask:
"I mean I'm not a mbah, I mean to want to know who is a nameless guardian without a title that the mbah said when I stole a hearing"
crazy people ask "you are not clever enough to be smart too, how long have you been studying tassawwuf / spritua

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