Feeling Lucky

I fell into a deep slumber, with no way of escaping
Even with my sight intact, I have been wandering blindly,
My sleeping state kept my eyes shut and the void was all I saw
And I wondered when I would finally open my eyes.


It seemed like I have been gone for a while - now, I guess it's been quite a long time. My absence was not planned or intentional. It's been months that I have been sick - yes, months - approximately 2.5 months. Although it seems too long, it was nothing too detrimental. Just the regular flu which was made worse due to allergies and migraine, also the hot and cold weather did no help. Some days I was coughing badly and the migraine made it worse and other days I was too tired of fighting my cough and migraine. So, all in all, I was exhausted and sick all the time. While I thought, "maybe I'll write something today" or "if I'm feeling better, I could do something tomorrow", all I could do was go to work and roll on my bed when I get home. That has been my routine.

I was just too weak, exhausted beyond measure and my mind had stopped cooperating with me. I had so many incomplete drafts and plans to do stuff around here but all that was shelved because of this. Darn you cough, allergies, and migraine. My health is still not 100% and today is one of the good days that I'm experiencing in months. I do certainly hope that I make a full recovery soon because winter happens to be my favorite season and I don't want to waste it being sick and tired.

As I said. today is a good day but I had not planned on writing anything. With everything that has been going around and my silence, it seemed like a few close friends have been worried. You know, although I may feel a tad guilty for making people worry, it does feel good to know that there are a few nutcases who really care about you.

To my nutcases, I care about you.

Among the ones who care about me, I want to thank the angel @rafa-noor, qoobee @notacinephile, and my crazy bro - and bro, you'll get your treat. Qoobee, I don't think I have thanked you enough for being the kind of friend you are.

There are two special nutcases that I'm truly grateful for having in my life - my days would have been dull without them - the Demon Egg @sarashew and the Brat @drivingindevon. You said that you don't know why I chose to care about you both, and I too wonder why you care about me as well. A bond is not formed one-sided. It doesn't matter who started caring for who first - the fact is you care and I care too. And even when I vanished, you chose to care for me, stood by me, waiting for my grand return - I don't know how to return that gesture. I have mentioned that I love you both for my own selfish reasons and I'm too unapologetically selfish. I'll go on caring for you for my selfish reasons.

Egg, I know there are so many plans that we have made and so many things we need to start doing. For now, we both need much rest and peace for the sake of our chaotic minds. I believe, we'll both start with our plans soo - how soon, that depends. And we'll drag Brat's lazy ass in all those carefully formulated crazy plans - or we might just get her to dispose of the bodies.

This isn't a letter, nor a gratitude. I just feel lucky.

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