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floating guava market

Thousands of guavas are sold in this region every day. Wholesalers come from far and wide to buy guavas here. If you want to see the guava market in Vimruli, you have to go between July and October. About 80% of the total guava produced in Bangladesh is produced in different villages of Jhalokati. Guava is cultivated in about 24,000 acres of land in Atghar, Kuriana, Dumuria, Betra, Daluhar, Sadar etc. areas! And to save and buy this guava, the biggest floating guava market of Bangladesh is frozen in Bhimruli of Jhalokati.



There are numerous guava orchards in this area. Farmers grow guavas directly from the orchards and sell them to wholesalers in different regions. Guava worth hundreds of crores of rupees is produced and traded in this season every year in July, August and September. Bhimruli Hat sits at an estuary of the canal. This canal is open and wide from three sides. There are innumerable guava orchards and sugarcane orchards around Bhimruli village. When the season of guava and sugarcane is over, the season of mango comes. Mango yield is also ubiquitous in this region. And finally comes the betel nut. Although a little less, this market is also busy at other times of the year. Apart from fruits, the main products here are various vegetables.

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