Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/30/18> Another “Official Announcement”… Sunday was a lazy day.

Yesterday I had some fun with the “Official Announcement” that would be coming from the US government in mid November after the midterm elections. I think that it was truly a pretty good piece of fiction on my part and couple new steemians who are from some other countries didn’t realize it was a spoof.

Something I don’t take into consideration often enough is that people outside the USA are more than likely to read the Daily Dose than people in the USA because of the time it hits the platform which is bed time here in the USA and in some cases well past bedtime. But over in Europe and the Middle East I guess it is morning time and I am right on the front page when they open up their computers over there. Sorry fellows if I threw you for a loop or got your hopes up on Vegas becoming the Nation Capitol of the USA.

I guess I was just in one of the moods last night where the fiction was almost believable to some folks and entertaining to others. Steemit Ramble liked so much that the curator over there decided to include it as one of her favorites of the day, so I appreciate that very much.

@bigtom13 is back from his long motorcycle trip and he wasted no time in coming to the defense of the city of Las Vegas since he just traveled through there. He mentioned that the city was just too honest a place for such a corrupt bunch like the government to come there and open up shop, I can’t disagree with him on that. Tom always keeps me in check and it was a welcome site to see him back commenting in his usual form.

Sunday was a lazy day for me, just do damn hot to really want to do anything so I took the opportunity to just be lazy. But even though I was lazy, it doesn’t mean I didn’t get anything done. The old IROC Z Camaro that I got and am in the process of fixing up for the oldest boy is back on the road now. He isn’t real happy with at the moment since he has had a couple issues with it since he has been driving it.

So, I spent the better part of Sunday watching You Tube videos about those old Camaros and I think I am closing in on the issue, unfortunately I will be out of town most of the week so it looks like next weekend before I will be able to see if what I learned will transform into a fix for the problem.

Last weekend I drove that car a bunch, plus when I wasn’t driving it I would go out and start it up about 3 times every hour. All told last weekend I started and or drove that car at least thirty times and it never failed to start for me. He took it to work on Sunday and had no problems going to or coming home from work. But then he decided to go to the gym and workout, when he got in it to come back home it would not crank over.

Disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes seems to be the temporary fix each time that happens; it is just aggravating as hell when you have to do it. Needless to say, he wasn’t a happy camper when he got it running and made it back home. He wasn’t real keen on the car in the first place but since he started driving it and people asking him about it he is quickly learning just how special those IROC Z’s are.

There have been millions of Camaros that have been built in the 51 years since Chevy started making them, but very limited amounts were the IROC model. Chevy had a five year stretch from 1985 up until the middle of the 1990 model year that some form of IROC was produced. The total number of Camaro’s that sold as IROC’s is a couple dozen shy of 167,000 but the true IROC was only produced in ’88 and ’89 and there are some ’90 models but production was halted at mid night on December 31, 1989 as the marketing agreement between the International Race of Champions and Chevy expired on that night.

His IROC Z is an ’89 and it has the 5.7 liter Tuned Port Injection V8 motor and the 16” wheels & 4 wheel disc brakes and the 4 speed automatic transmission. In the two and half years of the production run of that top of line package less than 35,000 of those were produced. He truly has a collectible classic Camaro.

Since he works in a hardware store he has clients that are mechanics and body shop folks that buy from him. He had told one guy who works at the body shop next door what he had before he started driving it and the guy told him was either a liar or he didn’t know what he was talking about. That guy has an 89 IROC also but with the smaller 5.3 engine and he searched long and hard to even find that one, he couldn’t believe this 20 year old kid could have the car he really had wanted.

The first day he drove it to work he parked at the body shop so the guy could look at, according to my son it wasn’t an hour later and the guy was in the store apologizing for not believing him. He went on to tell my son that he couldn’t believe that the car was all original, the only thing that is not is really the radio. It is still a work in progress but it is turning people’s heads who know what these cars are and it won’t be long before it will be painted and the finishing work done, but first I need to get this nagging issue with the engine cranking solved.

So while I wasn’t outside working in the 100 degree heat on Sunday, I still managed to make some progress from the comfort of the couch, thanks You Tube.

Until next time,

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