New Reward Options for Posts: Burn and Donate to SPS (@steempeak Proposal #1)

We have just published a post containing a recap of how we plan to use the new Steem Proposal System (SPS) for some of the new features that will be added to SteemPeak in the future. If you have not read it yet you can check it out here.

So it's finally time to give it a try an publish our first proposal. As you will see we plan to start with small proposals and test the system before switching to larger (and longer) proposals for more complex projects.

PROPOSAL: Add Two New Reward Options for Posts

I (@asgarth) really like this first proposal because it's something simple that can be good for the whole Steem platform. Also it's funny to notice that this proposal can bring more rewards into the @steem.dao account. So basically there will be more funds to pay for other proposals thanks to this development.

The new features we plan to add are:

  • A new option to burn the post payout (this means setting @null as 100% beneficiary for the post)
  • A new option to donate the post payout to the Steem Proposal System (this means setting @steem.dao as 100% beneficiary for the post)

The first part of this proposal is also a suggestion from our community so we would be very happy to start working on this ;)


Vote for the new proposal on

Why I should use one of these options and vote for this proposal?

Both these new additions will help the whole Steem community. When a post author decide to use one of these options the post rewards will be burned (reducing the amount of STEEM actually available is a way to increase the price) or donated to the SPS to funds further development and improvements of the blockchain.

How I'll be able to select these 2 options if you add them?

The new options will be available in the reward selection of the Publish page. When one of the new options is selected the corresponding account will be added to the post 'beneficiaries'.


Can I use this with scheduled posts?

Yes, as with the other options this will work for scheduled posts too.

Can I use these reward options and still set other beneficiries?

Yes, it will be possible to mix these rewards with other beneficiaries for special use cases. The % of the rewards sent to @null or @steem.dao will be set dynamically to accomodate the other beneficiaries.


As explained in this post we'll include different levels with features that will be unlocked as we get more funds. Received funds will be tracked using the @peak.proposals account and we'll include also direct donation. Please read the post linked above to fully understand how it will work.

1. Base level - 150 SBD

The proposal is considered funded if we collect at least 150 SBD. The base development will include the 2 new options in the publish page.

If the base funding level is not reached we'll refund all the payments received with a donation to @steem.dao and the SPS.

2. New icon in the feed to show post with burned payout - 200 SBD

If we reach 200 SBD we'll add a new icon on the feed for post where the payout is burned (@null set as beneficiary for more than 50% of the payout)

3. New icon in the feed to show post with payout donated to SPS - 250 SBD

If we reach 250 SBD we'll add a new icon on the feed for post where the payout is donated to the SPS (@steem.dao set as beneficiary for more than 50% of the payout)

4. More than 250 SBD

If we receive more than 250 SBD we'll donate the exceeding amount to the SPS. EXAMPLE: if we are fully funded with 375 SBD we'll donate 125 SBD to the @steem.dao account

TIMEFRAME: 5 Sep 2019 - 10 Sep 2019

This is a small proposal so we plan to complete our work in 5 days. Some more days will be required for the final release as we'll probably merge the development of this proposal with other improvements we are already doing to


It's difficult to predict how many funds a proposal will receive. This is why we created multiple 'Stretch Goals' that are unlocked as more funds are collected. For this first proposal we fixed the maximum daily pay to 75 SBD, but part of the improvements will be developed also if we don't get the full payment.

Also keep in mind that the daily rate will not be fixed for all the proposals submitted by @steempeak and will be set according to the proposed development.


If you want to support (approve) this proposal you can do so by visiting our proposal page on SteemPeak ( or using this link provided by SteemConnect to approve it directly.


This section contains all the updates (funding levels reached, work started, testing phase, release, ...) related to the current proposal.

Sep 01, 2019: Proposal created
Sep 10, 2019: Proposal has been funded and we are working on the new release
Sep 10, 2019: New features included in the release 1.16

Vote for the @steempeak witness

Now is probably a nice time to remind you that we run a witness server to help produce the blocks for the Steem Blockchain. You can vote for our witness so we are in a position to process more of them.

Vote on out profile page: @steempeak
Vote on the witness page:

This works for all witnesses BTW

  • Using Keychain: You just have to click and approve the transaction
  • Using SteemConnect: You'll need access to confirm the transaction with your Active Key at least

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